JAMMU: Directorate of Floriculture, Parks & Gardens Jammu today organized a one day Workshop on 'Sexual Harassment at Workplace' at its premises at Harki Poudi road under the chairmanship of Director General Floriculture, Parks & Gardens Jammu S. Jatinder Singh. On the occasion, the Director General threw light on the provisions of the Prevention of Sexual Harassment Act 2013 viz-a-viz its applicability and use by the Government officials especially the females. He elaborated and educated the participants of Internal Complaints Committee & the women attendees of the workshop with the POSH Act and gave awareness on their rights.
He further highlighted the launching of the new version of SHe- BOX Portal which will serve as a central repository for monitoring data and complaints under ‘The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2013, which is live now. The Members of the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) were given training to deal with the complaints of sexual harassment by Gurneet Kour, Deputy Director (Planning) and Chairperson of ICC at Directorate of Floriculture Jammu. She stressed that the need of the hour is to ensure safety of women at workplace and to conduct such awareness & training campaigns on regular basis.
She also highlighted some focal points which were touched upon in the workshop that included awareness about sexual harassment at workplace, understanding of the POSH Act, behaviors that are actionable under the POSH Act, compliances and penalties and mock trials. Interactive session was also conducted in the workshop where queries of the female employees were clarified. It was emphasized to the participants to bring to the notice of the Chairman ICC any violation of the Act in their workplaces. The participants included Ishtiaq Ahmad Malik Floriculture Officer (HQ), member of the ICC Lakshmi Assistant Floriculture Officer and all female officials of the department.