Swami Vivekananda had hoisted the flag of India's knowledge in front of the world at the age of only 30 years. Behind the creation of Swami Vivekananda was the immense power of sacrifice and penance, which was always present in the form of his Guru Ramakrishna Paramhansa and Gurumata Sarada Devi, but for the acceptance of that power, there was also the ideal life character of the vow-holder in the form of 'Vivekananda', who on one hand put the nation-society, religion-spirituality on the touchstone of logic and science, and on the other hand presented the unity of dedication towards the great Hindu ancestors, scriptures, traditions with immense devotion.
A wandering monk whose every moment was dedicated to the nation and society. Every thought was for strengthening and enriching the national life. He did not only give mere sermons but to make it a reality, he dedicated himself at the sacrificial altar of the nation. Swami Vivekananda is the greatest role model for the youth because each and every aspect of his life, each and every thought is filled with electric waves of infinite energy. His thoughts and philosophy include facts, logic, religion, deeds, knowledge and science.
He says that man, only man is needed. Everything else will happen automatically. What is needed is a man with courage, brilliance, devotion and sincere youth with firm faith. If we get a hundred such people, the world will be transformed.When we claim to be young, the question arises whether we fulfil the qualifications of those hundred youths of Swami Ji? Not only this, when he inspires us to move ahead, he also gives us the feeling of being omnipotent. Swami Ji says move ahead. We need infinite power, infinite enthusiasm, infinite courage and infinite patience, only then the great work will be accomplished.
My children, what I want is nerves of iron and nerves of steel within which resides such a mind, which is made of a material like thunderbolt. Strength, effort, Kshatriyavirya and Brahmatej! How will all this be achieved? Undoubtedly for this one will have to be endowed with character superiority and strong will power because these are the two values that play the most important role in the progress of any nation and society. Swami Ji is a great scholar.
In his various lectures/correspondences, he appeals to awaken character strength and will power and says that you need character and will power to be strengthened. If you keep using your will power, you will progress even further. Will is omnipotent. Only character can cross the impenetrable stone walls of difficulties. The character of a person is actually the sum total of his mental tendencies and mental inclinations. Whatever we are now, it is all the result of our thoughts.
Thoughts are long-lasting and their speed is also far-reaching. Therefore, be especially careful about what you think. Our every action, our every movement, our every thought leaves a similar impression on our mind. What we are every moment is determined by the group of these impressions. The character of every person is regulated by the sum total of these impressions. If good impressions prevail, then the character of the person is good and if bad impressions prevail, then it is bad. In his era, Swamiji was infusing new consciousness in the youth to organize the society. According to him, how should the youth be?
Along with this, he was full of the spirit of self-sacrifice to train the youth. Keep working with those young men who can sincerely take a vow to work for the welfare of the Indians and consider it their sole duty. Awaken them, organize them and instill in them the mantra of sacrifice. This task depends entirely on the Indian youth. I have taken birth to organize these young men. Not only this, hundreds more are ready to join me in every city and I want to send them everywhere in India like unstoppable moving waves, who will pour happiness, morality, religion and education at the doorstep of the poor and downtrodden and I will do this or die.
Then when it comes to education, what did Swami Ji mean by the purpose of education? As youth, what do we understand by education? Only a degree which helps us in getting a job Does it become a means of earning a livelihood? Is education that which we keep roaming around with the false pride of being 'elite', wrapped in the toxic paint of so-called modernity? Swami Vivekananda has defined education in a very beautiful way.
He says that the education which cannot make an ordinary person capable of fighting the battle of life, which cannot bring character strength, altruism and courage like a lion in a person, is that even education? The education by which one stands on one's own feet in life, is education. How will this education be reflected in conduct and behaviour? For this, he gives two formulas of progress and says that 'sacrifice' and 'service' are the national ideals of India, make India progress in these two things. If this happens, everything will progress automatically.
Actually, Swami Vivekananda revealed the meaning of youth and we will have to imbibe them and move forward on the path of duty. The 21st century belongs to India and its reins are in the hands of the youth. In such a situation, there is a need for a flow of thoughts endowed with high character, self-disciplined and full of self-respect, which should flow in every sphere of national life. To follow civic duties along with the glorious heritage of the nation. To move forward from personal life to social life towards purity by keeping the 'self' as the focus.
To remain active with creativity while eliminating the distorted environment of disorder. Being young, this is our primary and essential duty. To keep moving forward on the path of innovation with the aim of making the society self-reliant. To inculcate social harmony in conduct and behaviour and to be ready every moment to counter divisive forces. Sacrifice and service will have to be inculcated in conduct.
Along with this, the way challenges have come before national life with the spread of technology. We will have to find solutions for them. We will have to make the society aware. Then when we will build our lives with the feeling of nation first, then surely the cheers of the nation will be heard everywhere. Mother India will ascend the throne of the world guru and inspire the nation towards the path of immortality.