SHOPIAN: To review the performance of financial institutions, sponsoring departments and Skill Training, District Level Review Committee cum District Consultative Committee (DLRC/DCC) and District Level RSETI Advisory Committee (DLRAC) meeting for Quarter 3rd ended December 31, 2024 of FY 2024-25 of district was held today at Mini Secretariat, Shopian.
The meeting was chaired by Additional District Development Commissioner (ADDC) Shopian, Dr.Nasir Ahmad Lone. Lead District Manager, Farooq Ahmad Dar at the outset presented the achievements of the district in deposits & advances, priority & non priority sector advances and CD Ratio.
ADDC took bank wise and department wise reviews of financial and physical performance against the targets of lending for self employment, livelihood generation and social security schemes. Progress under key government schemes like PMEGP, KCC, Mission Youth, JKREGP, Svandhi, SUI and Social Security schemes was undertaken on the occasion comprehensively.
ADDC took serious note of the decreasing trend of priority sector advances and asked for enhancing the priority sector lending in poor performance sectors of agriculture infrastructure, education, export credit, renewable energy and Social infrastructure and asked them to speed up lending by next review meeting.
Branch wise targets may be fixed for sponsorship of cases under these schemes and monthly review be held to enhance the achievements, said ADDC on the occasion while reviewing the department wise progress. He also called for organising the result oriented awareness and outreach camps across the district for motivating the eligible youth for enrollment.
On the occasion, DLRAC District Level RSETI Advisory Committee Meeting was also held for 3rd Quarter progress of the institute. Director RSETI Shopian, Nazir Ahmed Bandh informed that against the target of 750 candidates, 748 candidates have been imparted training by the institute in different trade sectors. Against target, 85% candidates who got training have been settled and 64% have not availed credit linkage.
The meeting was attended by various district officers of line departments including Principal GDC, GM DIC, CEO, DIO, Cluster Head J&K Bank, DDM NABARD, Regional Officer RBI, representatives of banks and financial institutions.