RAMGARH : Inauguration by Dr. Devinder Kumar Manyal, MLA Ramgarh and Former Health Minister of J&K, Culvert at Rajpura Chowk and Black Topping Project Launched. Today marked a significant advancement for the AAM Sub Centre in Chowni with the foundation stone laying ceremony for a new boundary wall, valued at INR 11.87 lakh. The event was led by the Honorable MLA of Ramgarh, Dr. Devinder Kumar Manyal, alongside esteemed dignitaries including Dr. Lakhwinder Singh, BMO Ramgarh; Mukesh Kumar, BDO Ramgarh, Darshan Singh, former BDC chairman, Dr. Sunali, Incharge of Chowni, and officials from the PWD department, as well as local citizens.
The ceremony also featured the inauguration of a culvert at Rajpura Chowk, costing INR 14 lakh, and a black topping project valued at INR 17 lakh for the Ditch to Sujana road. Among the attendees were former DDC Asha Rani, BDC Radha Sham, and Mandal President Rajpura Kulbhushan Jasrotia, highlighting the community's strong support for these initiatives.
Following the ceremony, Dr. Manyal engaged in constructive dialogue with medical staff and community members to address their concerns. He assured attendees of his commitment to prioritizing these issues and directed relevant parties to expedite solutions, emphasizing his dedication to enhancing services and infrastructure in the region.