RAMGARH: A grand Nagar Kirtan was organized in Panchayat Raika Labana, Ramgarh to commemorate the birth anniversary of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the revered 10th Guru of Sikhism. The event was attended by prominent dignitaries, including Dr. Devinder Kumar Manyal, MLA of Ramgarh and Former Minister for Health and Medical Education of Jammu & Kashmir, and Keshav Dutt Sharma, Chairman of the District Development Council (DDC) Samba.
The Nagar Kirtan was a significant cultural and spiritual event that brought together the local community in a spirit of unity and devotion. Along with Dr. Manyal and Keshav Dutt Sharma, several other key leaders were present to mark the occasion, including Block Pradhan Shamsher Singh Shera, Jasmanjit Singh, Master Prithpal Singh, Capt. Bachan Singh, Medh Singh, Panch Mohinder Singh, Gurdeep Singh, Balbir Singh, Capt. Jarnail Singh, Gurdeep Singh, and Capt. Darbara Singh.
The leaders paid their respects to Guru Gobind Singh Ji and emphasized the importance of his teachings of courage, righteousness, and unity. The event was marked by religious hymns, community prayers, and a sense of spiritual harmony among the villagers. Dr. Devinder Kumar Manyal and Keshav Dutt Sharma, in their addresses, highlighted the significance of Guru Gobind Singh Ji's contributions to Sikhism and the values he imparted to society.
The leaders also appreciated the collective effort of the community in organizing such a meaningful event and reaffirmed their commitment to furthering the development and prosperity of the region. The event served as an opportunity to strengthen community ties and honor the legacy of Guru Gobind Singh Ji in the hearts of the people of Raika Labana.