SRINAGAR: In an effort to enhance policing strategies and address contemporary challenges, a district-level police conference was held at District Police Headquarters Kupwara and was chaired by SSP Kupwara, Shri Ghulam Jeelani Wani-JKPS. The event brought together all police officers stationed in the district, modelled in lines of DGsP/IGsP conference.
The primary objective of this conference was to engage in discussions and deliberations on the pressing challenges faced by law enforcement and to formulate practical solutions for effective response and implementation. Key topics included combating cybercrime, tackling radicalization, addressing the narcotics menace, advancing police personnel training, understanding the implications of new laws and bolstering overall security measures.
The officers proposed innovative, solution-focused strategies that leverage advanced technologies, including the application of artificial intelligence, to improve operational efficiency and crime prevention. The conference concluded with a strong collective resolve by all officers to work in unison to promote a safer, more secure environment for the residents of District Kupwara.
The event saw participation of Addl. SP Kupwara Ghulam Mohd Bhat-JKPS, DySP Hqrs Kupwara Rafee Rather-JKPS, DySP PC Lolab Raeis Ahmad-JKPS, along with other officers and officials of the district.