JAMMU: Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) NSS and Cultural Committee Government Degree College Marh organized a Maiden Dental Checkup camp for the College students and staff, besides students of adopted Government Middle school Dhateryal and staff of ZEO Marh.
The initiative for the camp was taken by the Principal of the college Dr. Rakesh Kumar Koul as a part of fulfilling College mission for overall personality development of students.
The resource person for the camp was Dr. Aakash Bhatt, a prominent dental doctor. He expressed satisfaction that 80% of the students had good oral hygiene. The Principal emphasized upon the relation of tooth care with heart health and vision.
During the awareness session the resource person Dr. Aakash Bhatt educated the students about the right way of brushing, ways to avoid cavities and importance of the right choice of brush for oral health maintenance and avoiding brain strokes.
Dr. Aakash Bhatt conducted the oral check up of 56 persons including college students, adopted school students, faculty of college/ school. He also guided all the participants to take good care of teeth for good health.
During the session resource person distributed free of cost samples of healthy paste, mouth-wash, pain killer, antibiotics and gumpaints for the oral health care to faculty of college, students of adopted Govt. middle school Dhateryal. He suggested taking early and annual care of teeth so that complexity is avoided which otherwise makes dental treatment costly. The accompanying paramedical staff namely Naveen Ganjoo and Maniksharma provided their selfless services during the camp.
Dr. Ram Dayal( HOD Mathematics) delivered the welcome address while the vote of thanks was presented by Dr. Ashu Jolly convenor Cultural committee. All the faculty members from the college graced the occasion with their presence. Later, mementos were presented to the resource person and his team to express gratitude.