POONCH: Deputy Commissioner Poonch Vikas Kundal today chaired a significant meeting of the District-Level Committee under the Narco Coordination Centre (NCORD) to review and discuss measures to curb drug abuse and narcotic trade in the district. The meeting was informed about the proactive steps taken to combat the drug menace, including detailed reports on properties seized from drug peddlers and other initiatives undertaken by the police department to control drug sales.
A range of critical issues were deliberated, including the incidence of drug addiction, identified hot spots of drug abuse, and ongoing measures in the district. The Deputy Commissioner emphasized the need to intensify awareness campaigns among the public regarding the dangers of drug abuse.
In addition, the DC directed officials to evaluate the quality of the Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) campaigns planned for all panchayats, encouraging a focus on declaring more Panchayats as Nasha Mukt (drug-free). The Assistant Regional Transport Officer (ARTO) was instructed to organize a special checking drive for commercial vehicles to mitigate drug transport in the area.
Furthermore, the Drug Inspector and Tehsildars were tasked with reviewing CCTV footage from chemist shops and other relevant locations to ensure proper monitoring of drug-related activities. The DC also mandated that enforcement agencies take action under the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA) against individuals selling tobacco products within a 100-metre radius of educational institutions. Stressing the importance of sustained and coordinated efforts from all stakeholders, the Deputy Commissioner reiterated that the District Administration has adopted a zero-tolerance policy against the menace of drugs in Poonch.