JAMMU: With the release of ‘India State of Forest Report 2023 (ISFR 2023)’ on 21st December, 2024 by the Union Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Bhupender Yadav, three positive outcomes have been reported for the UT of Jammu and Kashmir. The J&K has the highest growing stock among all the States/UTs at 296.22 Cum/ha followed by Himachal Pradesh at 2nd position which has 219.46Cum/Ha. J&K has also maximum Carbon Stock /ha at 174.10 ton/ha among UTs besides having increased forest cover by 34.78 Sq Km.
In order to celebrate the achievements of J&K Forest Department reported in the latest release of ISFR 2023, all the HoDs/ senior officers of the J&K Forest Department led by the PCCF and HoFF, B K Singh, participated in a plantation drive held at the FRMC Complex, Narwal, Jammu today. Two former PCCFs of J&K Forest Department also participated in the plantation drive.
It was informed that the left over portion of the FRMC complex has been selected for Plantation drive where variety of indigenous plant saplings were planted. It was stated by the PCCF & HoFF that all the left over portions of the FRMC complex shall be covered with plantation so as to erect a green barrier around the main office building.