JAMMU: In a heartwarming gesture during Diwali, the Jammu and Kashmir branch of Bharat Sevashram Sangha (BSS) distributed blankets to Sadhus and underprivileged families at its Panjgrain Ashram in Nagrota. The event, led by Swami Satyamitrananda, Secretary of the Jammu branch of BSS, was graced by former Jammu Municipal Corporation Mayor Chander Mohan Gupta and former Deputy Chief Minister Dr. Nirmal Singh as special guests.
The distribution ceremony began with a traditional puja, performed by the dignitaries in the temple of Bharat Sevashram Sangha within the ashram. The blankets were distributed by Swami Satyamitrananda in the presence of several Swamis and prominent figures from across the country, including Swami Mrinmoyannada, Swami Samidhananda (Puri), Swami Souravananda (Nabadwip), Swami Shibsundarananda (Malda), Swami Shivamitrannada (Kolkata), and Swami Sarbesananda (Prant Pracharak), along with other senior members from New Delhi, Uttarakhand, and Bihar.
Former Mayor Chander Mohan Gupta praised the Sangha’s initiative, emphasizing that such acts of kindness reflect the ethical values that drive society forward. He encouraged the Sangha to continue its compassionate service to the underprivileged and urged more people to participate in such noble causes.
Dr. Nirmal Singh expressed his admiration for BSS’s unwavering dedication to humanitarian service, noting that organizations like BSS play an essential role in uplifting the marginalized sections of society. He congratulated the Sangha and highlighted the importance of selfless service in building a compassionate community.
Addressing the gathering, Swami Satyamitrananda Maharaj shared the BSS’s commitment to charitable work, inspired by the ideals of their founder, Swami Pramanandaji Maharaj. He highlighted BSS’s ongoing campaigns to provide warm clothing to those in need, particularly as the winter season approaches. This Diwali initiative by Bharat Sevashram Sangha underscores its continued dedication to supporting the needy, spreading warmth, and fostering compassion in society.