JAMMU: Vishwakarma Day was celebrated with great fervor and enthusiasm at the Vishwakarma Sabha in Bakshi Nagar, Jammu. The event began with the traditional Hawan ritual, bringing together members of the Vishwakarma community and people from diverse backgrounds to honor Lord Vishwakarma, the divine architect of the universe. The day-long celebrations took place at the temple complex of Vishwakarma Sabha in Vishwakarma Chowk, Bakshi Nagar.
The event saw the presence of notable dignitaries, including MP Jugal Kishore Sharma, MLA Jammu West Arvind Gupta, former Mayor Chander Mohan Gupta, former Minister Sat Sharma, former Vice Chairman OBC Rashpal Verma, former OBC Vice Chairman Kuldeep Raj Verma, ex-Corporator Gourav Chopra, ex-Corporator Surinder Singh Choudhary, President of Trader Association Shakti Nagar Manmohan Singh, Pradesh Vishwakarma Sabha President Shashi Verma, Team Jammu Chairman Zorawar Singh Jamwal, and several other prominent leaders.
The special guests highlighted the life and contributions of Lord Vishwakarma, acknowledging the Sabha’s efforts in organizing the grand celebration. They pledged continued support for the Vishwakarma community and its causes. Rakesh Chalotra, President of the Sabha, along with General Secretary Jagdish Kargotra, spoke about Lord Vishwakarma's legacy as the creator and master architect of the universe and expressed gratitude to the guests and attendees.
Prominent participants in the event included Sabha Chairman Kuljeet Rai, Rattan Lal Changotra, Ashok Kumar, Om Parkash, Sanjay Kumar, Ajay Chalotra, Romesh Lal, Pawan Salgotra, Vinod Jaral, Naresh Kumar, Sanjay Kumar, Pawan Kumar, Vijay Kumar, Neelam Mahotra, Sanjay Sagar, and Tarsem Lal. The program concluded with blessings and prayers for peace and prosperity, making it a memorable celebration for all who attended.