SRINAGAR: Police in Ganderbal have organised reception for the students who were part of the Bharat Darshan Tour programmed by J&K Police Ganderbal under Civic Action Program on 16/10/2024. The students returned back safely today after a week, visiting different colourful cities of the country. They were received by DySP DAR Ganderbal Shri Nazir Ahmad and were accorded with a warm reception at DPL Ganderbal.
While interacting with the students, Police officers congratulated them for availing the opportunity of visiting the different parts of the country and exploring various places of heritage importance. While sharing their experiences, the students showed enthusiasm and happiness and thanked J&K Police for giving them opportunity to explore various metropolitan cities and unique heritage sites in New Delhi and Bangalore.
The touring students described the tour as a great success and asserted that it has helped them to gain new experiences and also gave them vast exposure, confidence and attaining new knowledge about the visiting places. The reception ceremony was also attended by other senior Police officers of the district. Later, DySP DAR Ganderbal wished good luck to all the students for their bright future.