JAMMU: J&K BJP Vice-President & MLA Sham Lal Sharma, and MLA Mohan Lal Bhagat held a Public Darbar at party headquarters, Trikuta Nagar, Jammu. More than 30 deputations visited BJP headquarters, to share their issues with the party's senior leaders. 3 dozen deputations visited the BJP headquarters, Trikuta Nagar to share their development and personal issues with the senior party leaders for their proper disposal.

Among other issues, a deputation from Muthi Mehra, Akhnoor presented the issue of recruitment in J&K Police. A deputation from Raipur presented the issue of a link road near Mata Sati Bua Bhajanji Raipur. A deputation from Jadh, Akhnoor requested the issue of an Income/OBC certificate. A deputation from Vikram Nagar, Sarwal presented the issue of damaged concrete road surface and iron gratings. 2 deputations from Paloura Top & Pamposh Colony, Janipur requested the construction of lane/drain. 3 deputations from Karan Nagar, Trikuta Nagar & Gandhi Nagar presented the issue of street lights. 2 deputations of Pandorian, Mishriwala & Barnai, Raipur presented the issue of repair of Lane/Drain. A deputation from Gandhi Nagar presented the issue of leaking UI pipes. A deputation from Sohal, Akhnoor presented the issues of the Rehabilitation for Shops.

Sham Lal Sharma, while speaking on the occasion, said that the PM Narendra Modi-led Union Government is committed to the welfare of the public in all spheres. BJP follows the principle of “Sabka Sath, Sabka Vikas” and is committed to addressing each and every problem faced by public. He said that BJP has chalked out a schedule to conduct Public Darbars on a regular basis where anybody can approach with the development or personal issues and the party leaders will make the utmost efforts to sort out the same. Mohan Lal shared that many of the issues presented by the deputations were resolved on the spot while the written and oral communications with the concerned department officials were made for the rest issues for their prompt redressal.

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