JAMMU: The seven-day training program on Scientific Beekeeping, organized by the Apiculture Development Scheme, Agriculture Production and Farmers Welfare Department Jammu, under the National Beekeeping and Honey Mission (NBHM) concluded today with an impressive felicitation functioned held in the Conference Hall, Directorate of Agriculture, Krishi Bhawan. The event was attended by 50 beekeepers, farmers, and young entrepreneurs from Doda, Kishtwar, Jammu, Udhampur, Rajouri, Reasi, and Poonch districts of the Jammu Division.
The training conducted from March 7 to March 13, 2025 aimed at raising awareness and enhancing the skills of prospective beekeepers. Participants were trained in bee hive operations, colony management, and received hands-on experience and practical insights at the DCTC, Apiculture Development Scheme Jammu.
The ceremony was presided over by Director Agriculture Jammu, Arvinder Singh Reen, who felicitated the participants. Beekeepers were presented with tool kits, bee flora saplings, and certificates of participation, in recognition of their dedication to advancing scientific beekeeping practices.
In his address, the Director assured the beekeepers that the department would extend support in the marketing and branding of honey products. He encouraged the beekeepers to work together in clusters or form Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) to strengthen the marketing and sales of honey. Additionally, he committed the department's technical and financial assistance to support the migration of bee colonies and optimize honey production. He emphasized the economic potential of hive products, such as royal jelly, bee venom, propolis, and pollen, which could provide valuable alternative sources of income for beekeepers.
The Director also highlighted the immense potential for beekeeping in Jammu & Kashmir due to the region's diverse agro-climatic conditions, rich biodiversity, and the growing demand for honey, which is valued for its medicinal and nutritional benefits. He encouraged the unemployed youth to consider beekeeping as a profession and take advantage of the growing industry.
Furthermore, Director Agriculture highlighted that the Department of Agriculture is providing an 80% subsidy for the establishment of one unit comprising 35 bee colonies, worth Rs. 1.40 lakh. He reiterated the departmentâs commitment to offering technical and financial support to optimize honey production and facilitate colony migration.
The session also featured an interactive feedback segment, led by Assistant Entomologist Rajesh Verma, where participants shared their positive experiences and expressed satisfaction with the quality and relevance of the training. Beekeepers praised the comprehensive lectures and hands-on training that equipped them with essential skills for enhancing their beekeeping practices.
The ceremony was attended by Deputy Director (Central) Jammu and Liaison Officer for the Apiculture Development Scheme, Dr. Ashwani Sharma, Divisional Soil Survey Officer Suresh Kumar Khajuria, Agronomist (VIS) Jammu Vikas Padha, Agriculture Chemist Dr. Aman Jyoti Sharma, Assistant Entomologist Rajesh Verma, ASCO (I&P) Rajinder Singh Salathia and other officers and staff. The event was organized and conducted by the dedicated team of the Apiculture Development Scheme Jammu.