JAMMU: In preparation for the Diwali celebrations, the Jal Shakti (PHE) Department Jammu, led by Chief Engineer Er. Hamesh Manchanda, held a virtual review meeting here today to ensure adequate and safe drinking water supply across the Jammu province. The meeting involved all the Circle and Divisional offices, focusing on enhancing service delivery and infrastructure readiness to meet increased demand during the festive period.
The Chief Engineer highlighted proactive measures to address the increased water requirements while maintaining rigorous quality standards. The major initiatives discussed during the meeting included enhanced water supply preparedness. It was informed that Water reservoirs across the province have been checked and filled to maximum capacity to support steady supply, especially during peak usage hours.
Intensified Water Quality Monitoring: The department will increase water quality testing to uphold public health standards. Comprehensive Infrastructure Checks: Preventive maintenance of critical infrastructure, including pipelines, pumps, and treatment facilities, has been completed to ensure operational resilience. Emergency repair teams will remain on standby to respond promptly to any emergent issues.
Public Assistance: For any assistance or queries, citizens are encouraged to contact their nearest Sub-Divisional office of Jal Shakti (PHE) Department. The Jal Shakti (PHE) Department Jammu reaffirms its commitment to high standards in water service delivery and public health, striving to ensure the well-being of residents this festive season.