RAJOURI: As per the direction of NALSA, 1st National Lok Adalat pertaining to all types of cases was held at District Court Complex, Rajouri and in all other Courts of District Rajouri under the Chairmanship of Rajinder Sapru, Chairman District legal Service Authority (Principal District & Sessions Judge). Two benches were constituted for hearing the cases. The first bench was headed by Rajinder Sapru ( Principal District & Sessions Judge) assisted by Javed Rana ( Chief Judicial Magistrate) and Khilat Bhat Advocate, while the Second Bench was headed by Rayaz Ahmed Choudhary (Sub-Judge Special Mobile Magistrate Rajouri) assisted by Shavika Gupta( District Mobile Magistrate ( Traffic), Rajouri and Sanjay Sharma Advocate. Similar benches were also constituted at Tehsil Level which were headed by the Presiding Officers of the respective Courts.
A total No. of 914 cases Pre-Litigation and Post-Litigation cases were taken up out of which 425 Cases were disposed of. An amount of Rs 2,21,99,336 (Two Crore Twenty one Lakh ninety nine thousand three hundred & Thirty Six only) was realized as compensation.
From the court of Principal District & Sessions Judge, Rajouri & Additional District & Sessions Judge Rajouri ,51 MACT cases were taken up out of which 51 were settled and amount of Rs. 1,80,10,000 ( One Crore Eight Lakh and ten thousand only) was awarded as compensation in those cases. In this National Lok Adalat, representatives of Banks, Advocates of different Insurance companies, Bar members, PLVs, Staff members, Litigants and a large number of people participated.