SRINAGAR: Forest Protection Force Department J&K celebrated World Arbor Day at Gamma Unit K-01 Srinagar under the theme “Forest and Food”. During the Day, several activities were held across Srinagar district by Forest Protection Force personnel which include plantation drives, cleaning of Campuses and plastic free drives.
The main event was held at FPF Headquarter P.C Depot Srinagar. Besides, a plantation drive was also held in the campus of FPF Headquarter Gamma Unit K-01 Srinagar where saplings of various species viz a viz Chinar & Deodar were planted by staff, kick started by Joint Director Forest Protection Force Kashmir in presence of Deputy Director FPF Srinagar.
Later on Joint Director Forest Protection Force Kashmir deliberated upon the history, theme and importance of World Arbor Day. In his speech he highlighted the role of Forests and Tree planting in mitigating the causes of global warming and other climatic issues and impressed upon all to play their role in controlling and combating issues like global warming, and ecological issues pertaining to Jammu and Kashmir.
All the participants later on took part in the cleanliness drive within the campus and the whole campus was cleared from all plastic and plastic based products and made plastic free.