JAMMU: A large population is affected by heavy rains and damages caused to houses, lanes, drains and roads etc, every year, which is very unfortunate and painful. Heavy rains during monsoon season are not new one and the people have very bad experience every year due to the non- seriousness on part of the UEED, whose performance has been poor and unplanned.
Sanjay Baru, BJP senior leader, said this, while expressing his concern over the failure of the UEED in particular to provide proper sewerage facilities to the people in different areas and localities through which nallahs pass. The UEED has failed to come up to the expectations of the people.
Speaking about the worst condition of a nallah flowing in Durga Nagar, Wazir Lane, Kabir Nagar and Colonel Colony, Talab Tillo in Jammu West Assembly constituency, he said that every year in the rainy season water flows over the walls of Nallah, which get damaged at many places from Akhnoor road near BSF HQ to Chaman Vihar.
Last year a woman died due to electric shock when overflow water from this nallah entered in Jhuggi at Colonel Colony, but till date UEED officials have adopted complete silence, ignoring the genuine demands of people and. Now seeing the present situation when rains have just started, it is feared that it would once again pose danger to the life of the people in these localities.
It seems that the authorities in this regard are waiting for a big loss of human lives, their houses and properties. It is high time that they should wake from the sleep. Sanjay Baru, while referring to the ongoing concrete work of the said nallah, shared that an estimate of rupees 3.5 crore was prepared at the initial stage but it will cover only 200 meters stretch of the nallah and the remaining portion from Durga Nagar to Chaman Vihar should also be covered under Smart City Project.
He stressed upon the JMC Commissioner to adopt a lenient approach and include the remaining part of the nallah in this financial year under "Smart City Projects" so that the problems arising every year by the overflow of the water is solved. Adv.Raghuvir Singh,president Ravi Dass Sabha Kabir Nagar Krishan Lal,Banarsi Dass,Sant Ram, Kirpal Chand and others were present on the occasion.