SRINAGAR: In a swift and successful operation, Police in Pulwama have recovered a stolen Maruti Alto-800 vehicle (Registration No. JK13E-9592) and apprehended an accused individual within hours of the theft. The vehicle was stolen from the parking area of District Hospital Pulwama earlier today. Acting promptly, the Police registered a case under FIR No. 05/2025 U/S 303(3) BNS at Police Station Pulwama and launched an intensive investigation.
The stolen vehicle was tracked down at Chersoo Awantipora, and was recovered subsequently. During the operation, the Police apprehended the accused, identified as Mohammad Shafi Bhat son of Ghulam Ahmad Bhat resident of Chersoo Awantipora. Investigations are ongoing to determine whether additional individuals were involved in the theft. J&K Police have reaffirmed their commitment to combating vehicle theft and ensuring the safety of residents. Authorities have urged citizens to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the Police without delay.