Aubaid Ahmed AkhoonThe wolf, a creature both revered and misunderstood, has long captured the imagination of humans across cultures. This majestic animal, known for its strength and cunning, also embodies qualities that are deeply relevant to our modern lives—loyalty, respect for family, and an unyielding commitment to freedom. By understanding the true nature of the wolf, we can glean valuable lessons that resonate far beyond the wild. 

A Family United

At the heart of a wolf’s life is its pack, a tightly knit family unit where every member plays a crucial role. Unlike the solitary image often painted by myths, wolves thrive in the company of their kin. The alpha pair, typically the parents, lead the pack with a sense of responsibility that ensures the survival and well-being of all members. In this environment, the young are nurtured, the elderly are respected, and the pack moves as one cohesive unit. 

This familial structure offers a stark contrast to the increasing individualism seen in human society today. As we drift apart in our pursuit of personal success, the wolf reminds us of the strength found in unity, cooperation, and mutual support. A society that values family as its core, much like the wolf pack, is one that can weather any storm. 

Uncompromising Freedom

One of the most striking traits of a wolf is its absolute refusal to live in captivity. Wolves, when captured, often become depressed, refusing food and exhibiting behaviors that can lead to their death. This fierce independence is a powerful symbol of the value of freedom and the cost of losing it. In a world where people are increasingly subjected to various forms of control—whether social, political, or economic—the wolf’s undying spirit serves as a reminder of the importance of autonomy and the right to live free from oppression. 

Honor in Purity

Wolves are discerning hunters, preferring fresh prey over carrion. While necessity may drive them to eat what they find, their preference for hunting demonstrates a respect for the natural order and a commitment to maintaining their role as apex predators. Additionally, the social structure within a wolf pack ensures that inbreeding is avoided, with only the alpha pair typically reproducing. This respect for genetic purity and the health of future generations reflects a deep, instinctual understanding of responsibility. 

In human terms, this can be seen as a metaphor for integrity—holding oneself to high standards, making choices that honor both oneself and the community, and ensuring that actions today do not harm the prospects of tomorrow. 

Lifelong Commitment

Wolves are monogamous, forming strong, lifelong bonds with their mates. This commitment extends beyond life; when one partner dies, the surviving wolf may mourn for an extended period. Such loyalty is rare in the animal kingdom and serves as an inspiring example of the power of dedication and love. In human relationships, where commitment is often tested, the wolf’s unwavering bond with its mate encourages us to cherish and nurture our connections with others, to value loyalty and trust above all else. 

Grief and Remembrance

The emotional depth of wolves is evident in their reactions to loss. When a member of the pack dies, the wolves exhibit behaviors akin to mourning—they may howl in sorrow, linger near the place where the member passed, or become visibly subdued. This capacity for grief is a poignant reminder of the importance of acknowledging our emotions and the value of remembering those who have gone before us. 

In a fast-paced world that often encourages us to move on quickly from loss, the wolf teaches us that it is okay to mourn, to take the time to grieve, and to honor the memory of those we have lost. This practice not only heals the heart but also strengthens the bonds of the living. 

Cultural Reflections

Throughout history, the wolf has been a symbol of nobility and virtue in various cultures. In Arabic, the wolf is referred to as "Ibn al-Bar," or "the dutiful son," a nod to its care for its elderly parents. In Turkish culture, wolves are admired for their nobility and strength, with parents often encouraging their children to embody the traits of a wolf—noble, brave, and loyal—rather than the more aggressive attributes of a lion. 

In Kashmiri culture, the wolf, known as "shaal," is deeply ingrained in the language and folklore. Several proverbs and idioms reflect the characteristics of wolves. For instance, the saying "Shaal shaal biyoun biyoun tungi wiz kunniye" translates to "Wolves are separate, but when they raise their voices, they act as one," symbolizing unity during times of need. 

Another popular proverb is "Shaal tsalith bathen chob," meaning "The wolf escapes, and the man hits the ground." This is akin to the English saying "crying over spilled milk," illustrating the futility of acting too late. 

There is also a taunt in Kashmiri: "Shaala jamadari," which refers to a scenario where many wolves gather in one place and make one wolf their captain by crowning him. When a lion approaches, all the wolves run back to their caves, and when the captain tries to flee, the crown prevents him from entering the cave, leading to his demise by the lion. This serves as a metaphor for giving someone responsibility while avoiding accountability yourself. 

Furthermore, "shawl" in Kashmiri also refers to a famous fabric, typically a square or oblong piece of woven or knitted fabric used as a covering for the head or shoulders. 

Khwaja Sanaullah Shawl of Khanyar, widely recognized as Son e Shale, was the most affluent merchant and landowner in nineteenth-century Kashmir. His name, Son e Shale, has since become ingrained in Kashmiri vernacular, often used mockingly. The phrase "Zan Chu Su Son e Shale" (as if he is the Son e Shale of the past) is commonly employed to deride those who exhibit pretentiousness or self-importance. Even today, the legacy of his wealth and status serves as a cultural reference point for those who put on airs.. 

These cultural reflections reinforce the idea that the wolf is more than just a predator; it is a symbol of the best qualities we can aspire to. 

The Central LessonReclaiming Our Values

The wolf, with its profound sense of loyalty, respect for family, and fierce independence, offers more than just lessons in animal behavior; it provides a blueprint for living a life of integrity and honor. In a society increasingly detached from these values, the wolf stands as a reminder of what we can achieve when we stay true to ourselves and those we care about. 

By looking to the wolf, we can find inspiration to rebuild the bonds of family and community, to value freedom and autonomy, and to live with the kind of integrity that ensures we leave a positive legacy for future generations. In embracing the noble qualities of the wolf, we can create a society that is not only strong but also compassionate and just—a society where loyalty, honor, and respect are not just ideals but lived realities. 

Bottom Line

In the end, the wolf is more than just a symbol; it is a guide, showing us the way to live with dignity, respect, and love. By following the wolf’s example, we can foster a world where these values are cherished and upheld, leading to a brighter, more harmonious future for all. 

About Author:  Aubaid Ahmed Akhoon - Columnist, Motivational Speaker, and Associate Editor of Weekly 'Education Quill' Presently Working as Sr. EDP Head at SKIE Classes Khanyar/Soura branch. Instagram ID: Ubi9305 Email:

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