JAMMU: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Jammu & Kashmir, has resumed its weekly public sitting sessions with senior leaders at its Trikuta Nagar headquarters in Jammu, aiming to directly engage with and address the concerns of the local populace.
Led by Dr. Nirmal Singh, former Deputy Chief Minister, along with Sham Choudhary, Vice-President of J&K BJP and former Minister, Baldev Singh Billawaria, former Deputy Mayor, and Anuradha Singh Charak, Vice-President of J&K BJP, the leaders began the revived initiative by attentively listening to grievances from members of the public.
Residents visited the party's headquarters in delegations, highlighting issues ranging from electricity, revenue, and water scarcity to pension and cleanliness concerns. Dr. Nirmal Singh emphasized the BJP's unwavering commitment to serving the public every day of the year, contrasting it with other political parties, asserting that BJP members prioritize public service over personal interests.
Sham Choudhary echoed this sentiment, underscoring the party's renewed focus on prompt resolution of public issues. He emphasized that the reinstatement of these public sitting sessions aims to foster consistent dialogue between citizens, the party, and local administration.
Responding swiftly, senior BJP leaders immediately initiated telephonic communications with relevant department officials and drafted written correspondences to address the raised concerns effectively.