JAMMU: "Congress has always been insulting and humiliating the Dogras right from the time of Maharaja Hari Singh Ji. Pandit Nehru never liked the Maharaja and made it obvious with his unstinted support of Sheikh Abdullah who ultimately launched the Quit Kashmir Movement against the Dogra rule." stated Brig Anil Gupta, Spokesperson of BJP in a Press Release issued here today.
Going back in history, Brig. Gupta said that the Dogras were humiliated the most when Nehru led Congress Government declared unilateral ceasefire in 1948 when the Indian Army was on the prowl and was in hot pursuit of the retreating Pakistan Army. In the process more than 1/3rd of the territory of the state was handed over to Pakistan on a platter. Further, Congress remained a mute spectator when Pakistan ceded the Saksham Valley to China. It added salt to the injury by returning the Pakistani POWs in 1971 without bargaining for the return of POJK. In fact, it ceded the Chenab region also to Pakistan.
The biggest insult to Dogras was showered by Pandit Nehru when he dubbed them as "Communal and Anti-National" when the Praja Parishad Movement was launched against the secessionist policies of the Sheikh Government. In fact, he provided full support to the Sheikh to crush the Praja Parishad Movement.
Later, the Maharaja was forced to leave the state and stay almost in exile in Mumbai paving way for the Sheikh to obtain full control of the state without caring for the sentiments of the Dogras. "For the Congress Dogras don't matter as long as Kashmiri Muslim Leadership is kept happy. Jammu and Dogras are taken for granted by the Congress" rued Brig Gupta.