JAMMU: In a significant move towards urban development, former Deputy Mayor and senior BJP leader Baldev Singh Billawaria launched the construction work for a lane and drain at Sector-6 Gangyal in the RS Pura-Jammu South constituency. This project, supervised by the Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC), includes the installation of iron grating on the drains.
During the launch, Billawaria emphasized the long-standing demand of the residents for improved infrastructure, stating, "The construction of drains and lanes has been a persistent demand of the people, and we are now fulfilling it. The installation of grating on the drains will prevent polythene from clogging them, ensuring cleanliness and ease of vehicle movement."
Billawaria highlighted the extensive development efforts in Gangyal over the past five and a half years, attributing the BJP's strong performance in the Lok Sabha elections to these initiatives. He acknowledged the temporary halt in development due to the model code of conduct but assured that work has resumed with renewed vigor.
"The Jammu Municipal Corporation is dedicated to sustainable development," Billawaria added. "We have various projects in the pipeline that will be completed in a timely manner. Our priority is to address the needs of the people immediately, in line with the Modi government's commitment to ensuring benefits reach the last person in the queue."
He reiterated the BJP's dedication to bringing government schemes directly to the public, ensuring accessibility and effectiveness. The community members expressed their gratitude, affirming their continued support for the BJP in the upcoming assembly elections.
Prominent attendees included Ranjeet Singh, Rakesh Sangral, Shamsher Kumar (Sherry), Rajinder Singh (Poppi), Surendra Singh, Darshan Kumar, Pinka Sharma, Punjab Singh, and Bachan Lal, who all praised Billawaria's efforts in addressing issues related to cleanliness, electricity, and water in the area.