SRINAGAR: Continuing to prioritize the welfare of J&K Police personnel, the Director General of Police J&K Shri R.R. Swain has sanctioned over Rs 2.12 crore welfare loans/ relief in favour of 134 police personnel to address their immediate financial needs. The amount has been sanctioned out of Central Police welfare Fund vide PHQ’s order No.1853 of 2024.
Out of this allocation, welfare loans of Rs 1 lakh each have been sanctioned for 25 police personnel, while Rs 1.50 lakh each has been granted in favour of 39 police personnel to cover expenses related to their own or their children's marriages. Welfare loan of Rupees 1.5 crore has been sanctioned in favour of 53 police personnel to meet the expenses of self-treatment or for the treatment of their dependents
Four police personnel have received welfare loans of Rs 1.5 lakh each to support the higher or professional education of their children. Besides, welfare relief of rupees 12.70 lakh in favour of 37 Police personnel has also been sanctioned. It is important to note that while the welfare loans are refundable and recovered in monthly instalments from the salaries of the personnel, the financial assistance provided is non-refundable.
Furthermore, the Police Headquarters extends welfare schemes to all ranks of the Jammu and Kashmir Police, including the families of martyr police personnel and SPOs. Meritorious scholarships are also provided to outstanding children of serving, retired, or martyr police personnel and SPOs, fostering a spirit of competition and excellence among them.