SRINAGAR: The Jammu and Kashmir Students Association on Sunday said that a Kashmiri shawl seller was mercilessly attacked in Kapurthala, Punjab, by three miscreants. He was brutally thrashed, punched, slapped, and dragged, leaving him with multiple bruises all over his body. In addition to the physical assault, his belongings were looted in this horrifying incident. The victim has been identified as Shafi Khoja from the Karlpora area of Kupwara district. He was later taken to a hospital, where he is currently undergoing treatment.
Following the incident, the National Coordinator of the Jammu and Kashmir Students Association Osheeba Bashir said that its National Convenor, Nasir Khuehami, had raised the matter with the Punjab Government to ensure that the miscreants responsible for the attack are held accountable. Khuehami spoke with Punjab Chief Secretary K.A.P. Sinha and urged him to take immediate action regarding this heinous incident and to address the suffering of Kashmiri people in Punjab.
In response, the Chief Secretary informed Khuehami that instructions had been issued to the Director General of Police (DGP) of Punjab to ensure swift action. The DGP, Gaurav Yadav, has been directed to identify the perpetrators and take strict action against those responsible. The Chief Secretary assured Khuehami that the culprits would face the consequences they deserve. The safety and security of Kashmiri students and shawl sellers remain a top priority, khuehami said quoting Chief Secretary.
Khuehami said that these hardworking shawl sellers have significantly contributed to the local economy and become an integral part of the social fabric, now live in constant fear and insecurity. He noted that this incident is the fifth such attack this month, reflecting a disturbing pattern of violence and intimidation against Kashmiris.
“This atmosphere of hatred and threats has the potential to ruin their businesses,” Khuehami stated. “Harassing and threatening Kashmiri traders daily, while advocating the idea of ‘atoot ang,’ is hypocritical and deeply problematic. True integration stems from respect, dignity, and empathy—not hatred, intimidation, or violence.”
Khuehami also urged Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah to address this issue with his Punjab counterpart to ensure a safe and secure environment for Kashmiri traders. He stressed that the hostile atmosphere of threats and violence against Kashmiri traders must be urgently addressed. “The government must intervene, ensure justice, and hold the culprits accountable for this heinous act. This recurring violence must stop to restore trust and safeguard the livelihoods of these traders,” he added.
Meanwhile, Khuehami has also raised the matter with the Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister's office. He spoke with the Chief Minister’s Advisor, Nasir Aslam Wani, who assured him that the issue would be taken up with the Punjab Government. Khuehami urged the Advisor to restore confidence among the Kashmiri community and ensure that such incidents are not repeated in the future.