JAMMU: Minister for Jal Shakti, Javed Ahmad Rana, today informed the House that crate protection works are being undertaken under Flood Management Project Phase-II along river Jehlum, wherever required. He was replying to a question raised by Peerzada Mohammad Syed in the Legislative Assembly. The Minister stated that crate protection works are being undertaken at specific locations depending upon the vulnerability/weak spots. He said that these works will be completed by the end of March, 2025 at an estimated cost of Rs. 84.00 lakh.
Regarding the beautification work on river banks of Jhelum from Mehandi Kadal to Donipawa, the Minister informed that Irrigation and Flood Control Department does not have any exclusive budget to undertake beautification work on river banks. He said that the mandate of the department is to undertake anti-erosion works to prevent the bank damage, sloughing and breaching due to floodwaters. MLAs, Basheer Ahmad Veeri and Tanvir Sadiq raised supplementary on the question.