JAMMU: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Jammu & Kashmir held Tridev Sammelans at various places across the region. Tridev Sammelan in Jammu North District for Jammu North constituency was chiefly addressed by BJP Vice-President Yudhvir Sethi. Former MP (Rajya Sabha) Shamsher Singh Manhas, District President Omi Khajuria, Karan Singh, Praduman Singh and other senior leaders also addressed in the Sammelan. Tridev Sammelan in Jammu North District for Marh constituency was chiefly addressed by BJP Vice-President Sham Lal Sharma.

Sham Lal Sharma, while addressing the Sammelan, said that the Bharatiya Janata Party has designated the trio of Booth President, woman and the youth activists of the booth as ‘Tridev’. He said that the trio will ensure the reach of party policies and public welfare schemes to every home in their booth. He said that these will form the basic team of BJP to work at the ground level and will coordinate with the senior functionaries of the party for the implementation of party policies, programmes and public welfare schemes.

Yudhvir Sethi, in his address, said that the Tridev play an important role in the successful functioning of our party. Our Tridev implements all the schemes of BJP at the booth level. He said the Modi government has given various social welfare schemes to this region like the Golden Card which has empowered the needy population of Jammu & Kashmir. He added that Tridev have the duty to elucidate to the people that only the BJP government will develop Jammu & Kashmir and improve the socio-economic status of every section of people.

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