RAMBAN: After rendering over 38 years of active service since his appointment in 1986, Sunil Kumar Bakshi superannuated as Area Marketing Officer (AMO), Department of Horticulture (Planning & Marketing), Ramban today.
The Deputy Director, Horticulture (Planning & Marketing), Jammu, Ayaz Ahmed Natnoo, and AMO, Udhampur, Anuj Verma were among the prominent persons, besides progressive farmers and PRIs from across Ramban district, who bid him a heartfelt and emotional farewell in a small but impressive function at the Fruit & Vegetable Market (Mandi) in Batote today.
During the event, AA Natnoo, Anuj Verma, colleagues, and farmers recalled Sunil Kumar Bakshi's dedicated, committed, and sincere services, especially his spearheading role in establishing the Mandi here. They praised him as an affable and thorough gentleman who always prioritized the welfare of farmers.
In his farewell speech, Sunil Kumar Bakshi expressed his gratitude to all his colleagues, farmers, and everyone who supported and guided him throughout his service. He conveyed his heartfelt thanks for their unwavering support and encouragement, which played a pivotal role in his professional journey.