JAMMU: Ashish Sood, Seh-Prabhari J&K BJP, Dr. Devinder Kumar Manyal, General Secretary, J&K BJP and Priya Sethi, BJP NEM addressed a meeting of party’s Morchas at its headquarters, Trikuta Nagar, Jammu.
Ashish Sood, while addressing the meeting, focused on the organizational functioning of the party Morchas at the ground level. He emphasized that the Morchas form an important step to execute the party policies and the schemes and form the eyes and ears of the organization of the party with in the society. He asked the Morcha leaders to fruitfully conduct all the programs to be organized by their Morchas in the coming days.
While reviewing the ongoing programmes of Morcha Sammelans, Sood said that they have excellent opportunities through these programmes to build strong bonding of party with these specific communities. He stressed that the Morcha leaders have double responsibility towards the party as well as their specific communities. He asked them to pro-actively work till the elections, while stressing that they would have to play a major role in the majestic win of BJP in Assembly elections of Jammu & Kashmir.
Dr. Devinder Kumar Manyal, said that BJP is not a party of any particular family or society but a party of the people. The policies of the party have made it all-wide, all-inclusive and all-touching. He said that this broad nature is visible in the seven fronts of the party - youth, farmers, women, ST, SC, OBC and minorities.
Priya Sethi threw light on the upcoming programs of the Morcha in detail. She also deliberated on the forthcoming party programmes which include the organization of programmes on Vibhajan Vibhishika Diwas, selfie with Tiranga, and rallies at district level by the Morcha activists.