JAMMU: In a continued stringent enforcement drive targeting overloading, overcharging, and other major violations under the Motor Vehicles Act and Central Motor Vehicle Rules, the Motor Vehicles Department conducted a special enforcement drive in Jammu district. The operation was carried out under direct supervision of Regional Transport Officer Jammu Pankaj Bhagotra in compliance to the special directions issued by Vishesh Mahajan, Transport Commissioner J&K.
The drive was conducted in and around Jammu city and along the Jammu-Srinagar Highway by different teams constituted for the special drive to ensure safety and compliance of Regulations pertaining to e-rickshaws plying within the city. The drive was launched following complaints that several e-rickshaws were being operated without valid driving licenses. During the operation, nearly 475 vehicles were checked for violations like Registration certificate (RC) violations, Overloading of passengers, Over-speeding, Non-compliance with other mandatory regulations.
Out of 450 eRikshaws inspected, 91 e-rickshaw were seized and a fine totaling âč2,30,000 (Rupees Two lakh thirty thousand ) was imposed. The Officials informed that MVD is committed to ensuring safety and responsible operation of all the vehicles within its jurisdiction including e-rickshaw. They further added that such drives will continue in future and all the violators are warned to strictly follow rules otherwise more harsh actions will be taken by the department.
The team also educated e-rickshaw drivers that e-rickshaw is meant for last mile connectivity and prohibited to ply on National Highways and other main roads as per the objective of their introduction in the transport system. The enforcement team included Rehana Tabassam, ARTO (HQ) Jammu, Mudasir Iqbal, ARTO (BOI-G) Jammu, Bipin Singh Charak, ARTO Flying Squad, along with Motor Vehicles Inspectors (MVIs) Vikas Srivats, Jagandeep Singh, Rajeev Kundal, Amanish Sharma and MVTA Tarunjot Singh.