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I was going through the pages of Internet when I came across an article that was published in a local weekly newspaper. The article criticises and questions the style of working of the incumbent Chief Education Officer Poonch Mr Lal Hussain Choudhary.

When I was done reading that article, I was clouded with mixed feelings, feelings of irony and amusement. That imbecile article was published by Mr. Saahil Raina, a self proclaimed journalist with zero credibility and a cunning history.

I was amused by the fact that how easily people could publish lies and self manufactured stories and more at the fact that how unscrupulously people who are dubious and indisciplined themselves in their respective fields question those who are dealing with their respective affairs near perfectly.

Chief Education Officer Poonch, undoubtedly, is one of the most honest persons ever to occupy this chair. He is upright and a dedicated officer. His efforts and steadfastness has yielded enormous results.

After decades we are witnessing  such discipline in the department. There is regularity in the schedule of employees. Those teachers who used to make a guest appearance in the schools are being made to be there and deliver the things.
The whole department has gone through a paradigm shift from callousness to promptness,  from absenteeism to punctuality. The deep slumber of officials have been broken. Though for these turn of events Mr Naeem Akhtar​​ also deserves equal praise at the state level.

I am no supporter of anyone neither have I ever met the officer but the positive change is visible on the ground. Because of what has been going on over the months, the sleep of the black sheep of the society seems disturbed. Those who could not develop the spirit of work culture and dedication feel utterly deceived by the actions of the present CEO. Thus  the cozy circles who don't want to be consistent and those who have been the epitome of non-seriousness and corruption over the years are now up in arms against this officer including a self endorsed journalist who claims to be a journalist contrary to the acceptance of media fraternity.

These people are questioning the CEO for his dress code forgetting about the dress code of father of nation Mahatma Gandhi, What did iron man of India Sardar Vallabhai Patel wear....??? When people with 'Dhotis' 'Tilaks' and 'Trishools' could get elected in the parliament what is the problem with a 'Shalwaar-Kameez' or a "Sherwaani".

These shameless self styled critics believe in rhetorical speech and hollow sloganeering and forget that what actually matters is real work, with how much dedication and efficiency you conduct the affairs and how you transform dreams into actions is the real essence of being at the helm of affairs and not what you put on. Physical appearance is of little significance.

They are questioning  him for being punctual and sincere. They are questioning and levelling non sense and fabricated charges of being biased. Irony must have died thousand deaths on being a witness to this state of affairs where criminals and corrupts roam free while all the mud slinging is being done via a vis the Sincere and incorruptible officers.

But the poet reiterates....

"Tundi-e-baad-e-mukhaalif se na gabhraa aey uqaab.....
Ye to chalti hai tujhey oonchaa udhaaney k liye"

These propagandists have apparently very little knowledge pertaining the fact that truth by its very nature is supposed to succeed. Their efforts and acts manned by filth and divisive agenda is bound to perish. Their hullabaloo is Condemnable and reprehensible.
The belligerence of these fringe elements and bigots is a shame and disgrace for the whole region.

May God be with truth.

-Anjum Bashir Khaan
(Concerned citizen
Columnist, freelance writer)

Can be reached at: Anjum.khan28cse@gmail.com

NOTE: In response to a news published in a local weekly "Poonch today" about the Chief Education Officer Poonch.


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