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Director Agri KashmirINTERVIEW EXCLUSIVEJAMMU: Kashmir, nestled in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent, is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, fertile soils, and diverse agricultural practices. Agriculture plays a pivotal role in the region's economy, providing employment opportunities to a significant portion of the population. With its picturesque beauty and favorable climatic conditions, Kashmir offers conducive environment for cultivating a wide range of crops.

In recent years, Kashmir has witnessed a growing interest in organic farming practices, as farmers recognize the importance of minimizing the use of chemical inputs and promoting sustainable agriculture. This shift towards organic techniques aligns with global concerns for environmental preservation and human health, reflecting the forward-thinking approach of Kashmiri farmers.

However, the agricultural landscape in Kashmir is not without its challenges. Farmers face constraints stemming from limited agricultural land, fragmented land holdings, and a growing population, which exerts pressure on land resources. The distinct seasons in Kashmir, characterized by harsh winters and short summers, introduce additional hurdles, as erratic weather patterns can adversely affect crop yields and productivity.

Ensuring proper irrigation and water management also remains a challenge, despite the presence of water bodies such as rivers and lakes. Traditional irrigation systems may prove insufficient to meet the demands of a growing agricultural sector.

Fortunately, the Government has recognized these challenges and is actively taking concerted efforts to address them. Director of Agriculture in Kashmir, Chowdhury Mohammad Iqbal, in an exclusive online interview with Editor-in-Chief of JK Monitor (www.jkmonitor.org) Ajmer Alam Wani, highlights the government's initiatives, such as providing subsidies on agricultural inputs to make them more affordable, introducing financial support schemes like Kisan Credit Cards and crop insurance programs, and developing rural infrastructure to improve accessibility to inputs and markets.

According to Director Iqbal, government agricultural institutions and research centers in Kashmir play a pivotal role in developing improved crop varieties and promoting sustainable farming practices. These institutions disseminate knowledge to farmers through extension services, enabling them to adopt modern techniques and enhance productivity. Additionally, the government focuses on farmers' welfare by implementing financial assistance programs, skill development initiatives, and capacity-building programs to enhance their knowledge and entrepreneurship skills.

The interview also touches upon the impact of climate change on agricultural activities in Kashmir. The Department of Agriculture acknowledges the challenges posed by changing climatic conditions and is actively working to mitigate their effects.

In this exclusive interview Director Agriculture Kashmir, Chowdhury Mohammad Iqbal replied in detail to each questions asked as below:

  1. Can you provide us with an overview of the current agricultural landscape in Kashmir and highlight the key crops or agricultural practices that are predominant in the region?

Ans: Kashmir, located in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent, is known for its picturesque landscapes, fertile soils, and diverse agricultural practices. Agriculture is one of the primary economic activities in the region, employing a significant portion of the population.

Key Crops: Rice: Rice is the staple crop of Kashmir and occupies a significant portion of agricultural land. The region is known for producing high-quality rice, including varieties like Basmati and non-Basmati rice.

Saffron: Kashmir is renowned for its saffron production. Saffron cultivation primarily takes place in the Pampore region, where the climate and soil conditions are ideal for this high-value spice. Saffron flowers are handpicked, and the delicate stigmas are carefully separated, making it a laborintensive crop.

Vegetables: Various vegetables are cultivated in Kashmir, including potatoes, tomatoes, cauliflower, cabbage, peas, carrots, radishes, and turnips. These vegetables cater to both local consumption and supply to neighboring regions.

Pulses and Oilseeds: Pulses such as lentils, chickpeas, and kidney beans, along with oilseeds like mustard and rapeseed, are grown in Kashmir. These crops contribute to the region's food security and provide income opportunities for farmers.

Agricultural Practices: Traditional Irrigation Systems: The region utilizes traditional irrigation methods such as canals, wells, and springs to ensure adequate water supply to crops.

Terrace Farming: Due to the mountainous terrain, terrace farming is prevalent in Kashmir. Farmers build stepped fields on slopes to prevent soil erosion and optimize land utilization.

Organic Farming: In recent years, there has been a growing interest in organic farming practices in Kashmir. Farmers are adopting organic techniques to minimize the use of chemical inputs and promote sustainable agriculture. It's important to note that the agricultural landscape can evolve over time due to various factors such as climate change, government policies, market demands, and socio-economic developments.

For the most up-to-date information, it is advisable to refer to recent reports and studies on the agricultural practices in Kashmir.

  1. What are the major challenges or obstacles faced by farmers in Kashmir in terms of agricultural production, and what steps have been taken by the government to address these challenges?

Ans: Farmers in Kashmir face several challenges and obstacles that impact agricultural production. Some major challenges faced by farmers in the region and for which the Government is taking concerted efforts to address these contraints:

Limited Land Availability: The agricultural land in Kashmir is limited, and the increasing population puts pressure on land resources. Fragmented land holdings make it challenging for farmers to adopt modern agricultural practices and achieve economies of scale.

Seasonal Climate Variability: The region experiences distinct seasons, including harsh winters and short summers. Erratic weather patterns, such as untimely rains, hailstorms, or droughts, can adversely affect crop yields and productivity.

Irrigation and Water Management: Despite having a network of water bodies, including rivers and lakes, ensuring proper irrigation and water management remains a challenge. Traditional irrigation systems may not be sufficient to meet the demands of a growing agricultural sector.

Limited Access to Credit and Agricultural Inputs: Many farmers in Kashmir face difficulty in accessing credit facilities and quality agricultural inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides. This limits their ability to adopt modern farming techniques and improve productivity.

Post-Harvest Management and Market Infrastructure: Inadequate postharvest infrastructure, including storage facilities and processing units, poses challenges for farmers in preserving and adding value to their produce. Additionally, the lack of well-developed market linkages can lead to price fluctuations and inadequate returns for farmers. The government has undertaken various steps to address these challenges and support agricultural development in Kashmir:

HADP: 29 Projects regarding Agriculture and allied sectors have been approved by the UT Administration. The strategies have been identified for moving towards a strong and commercially viable agriculture include strengthening seed systems, harvesting the competitive advantage of J&Ks geo-climatic diversity, boosting production & productivity, monetizing produce & promoting secondary agriculture by creation of agri-business ecosystems with inbuilt functional value chains and securing livelihoods through enhanced jobs and income creation Irrigation Infrastructure Development: The government has initiated projects to improve irrigation facilities, including the construction and renovation of canals, reservoirs, and irrigation channels. This aims to ensure better water management and enhance agricultural productivity.

Subsidies and Support Schemes: The government provides subsidies on agricultural inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, and machinery to make them more affordable for farmers. Additionally, various financial support schemes, like Kisan Credit Cards and crop insurance programs, have been introduced to provide farmers with easier access to credit and risk mitigation.

Research and Extension Services: Government agricultural institutions and research centers in Kashmir work towards developing improved crop varieties, promoting sustainable farming practices, and disseminating knowledge to farmers through extension services. This helps farmers adopt modern techniques and enhance productivity.

Infrastructure Development: The government focuses on developing rural infrastructure, including roads, transportation, and market linkages, to improve the accessibility of agricultural inputs and enable farmers to reach markets more efficiently.

Farmer Welfare Programs: Several schemes have been implemented to support farmers' welfare, including financial assistance programs, skill development initiatives, and capacity-building programs to enhance their knowledge and entrepreneurship skills. It's important to note that agricultural challenges are complex, and addressing them requires a multi-pronged approach involving government policies, infrastructure development, research and technology, and farmer empowerment. Ongoing efforts are being made to overcome these challenges and promote sustainable agricultural practices in Kashmir.

  1. Could you elaborate on any recent initiatives or programs implemented by the Department of Agriculture in Kashmir to promote sustainable and modern agricultural practices? What impact have these initiatives had on the farming community?

Ans: Agriculture and allied sectors contribute over eighteen percent of the J&Ks gross domestic product (GDP), representing Rs. 37600 crores per year and providing livelihood to more than 13 lakh families. Over past decades, the agriculture and allied sectors in J&K have been the mainstay of the rural economy however, the UT has been following a mere subsistence type of agriculture which has increasingly been facing the challenges of low productivity, shrinking farmer margins, unsustainability, climate change and lack of competitiveness when compared to produce from within and outside the country.

To mitigate these challenges and to build a technology driven, sustainable and remunerative agro-economy, an apex committee of experts headed by Dr Mangala Rai, former Director General ICAR, was constituted by the UT Administration to identify the priority areas for interventions through improved policy and capital support.

The strategies identified by the committee for moving towards a strong and commercially viable agriculture include strengthening seed systems, harvesting the competitive advantage of J&Ks geo-climatic diversity, boosting production & productivity, monetizing produce & promoting secondary agriculture by creation of agri-business ecosystems with inbuilt functional value chains and securing livelihoods through enhanced jobs and income creation.

The committee submitted comprehensive proposals encompassing the full spectrum of activities in all the major domains of Agriculture viz Horticulture, Crop and Livestock Husbandry in the form of twenty-nine projects to strengthen the backbone of J&Ks rural economy. The Administrative Council under the chairmanship of Hon’ble Lt Governor today sanctioned the implementation of the twenty-nine projects submitted by the Apex committee with an outlay of Rs 5013 crores over the next five years.

These twenty-nine projects based on the principles of economy, equity & ecology shall transform the agricultural economy of J&K putting it on a new trajectory of growth, almost doubling the output of the sectors, boosting exports and making the sectors sustainable & commercially viable. These gains shall be equitable, reaching the last person in the pyramid and ecologically sustainable through efficient use bio-resources for food, feed & industry.

This will herald a new phase of farmer prosperity and rural livelihood security in J&K. The agricultural output which stands at Rs 37600 crores shall increase by over Rs 28142 crores to reach more than Rs 65700 crores per year, with a resultant increment in sectoral growth rate to 11%. The interventions shall create employment opportunities for over 2.8 lakh youth and establish around 19,000 enterprises.

More than 2.5 lakh persons shall be skilled in various agri-enterprises ranging from seed production, precision farming of vegetables, bee-rearing, cocoon production, mushroom farming, integrated & organic agriculture, high-density fruit farming to processing, dairying, sheep & poultry farming as well as fodder production. In the next five years the UT shall have a motivated workforce with agrientrepreneurial skills in a commercially viable and ecologically sustainable agri-ecosystem.

  1. Climate change is a growing concern globally. How is the Department of Agriculture in Kashmir adapting to the changing climatic conditions and helping farmers mitigate the impact of climate change on their agricultural activities?

Ans: Climate change is indeed a growing concern globally, and the Department of Agriculture in Kashmir has recognized its impact on agricultural activities in the region. Efforts are being made to adapt to changing climatic conditions and help farmers mitigate the effects of climate change. Here are some steps taken by the Department of Agriculture in Kashmir:

Climate-Resilient Crop Varieties: The Department of Agriculture promotes the cultivation of climate-resilient crop varieties that are more tolerant to changing climatic conditions. These varieties are developed through research and breeding programs to withstand temperature fluctuations, water stress, and pests/diseases.

Weather-Based Crop Planning: The department provides farmers with weather forecasts and guidance on crop planning based on the predicted weather conditions. This helps farmers make informed decisions about the timing of sowing, irrigation, and other farm operations.

Efficient Water Management: Given the importance of water in agriculture, the department emphasizes efficient water management practices. This includes promoting techniques like drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, and water-saving methods to optimize water usage and mitigate the impact of water scarcity caused by climate change.

Promotion of Organic Farming: Organic farming practices are encouraged as they promote soil health and biodiversity, which can enhance the resilience of agricultural systems to climate change. The department provides training and support to farmers for adopting organic farming methods and obtaining organic certifications.

Training and Capacity Building: The Department of Agriculture conducts training programs and workshops to educate farmers about climate change, its impact on agriculture, and adaptation strategies. Farmers are trained in climate-smart agricultural practices, such as conservation agriculture, agroforestry, and integrated pest management.

Research and Development: The department collaborates with research institutions to study the impact of climate change on agriculture in the region. Research efforts focus on developing new technologies, crop management practices, and mitigation strategies that are suitable for the changing climate.

Financial Assistance and Subsidies: The government provides financial assistance and subsidies to farmers for adopting climate-smart practices. This includes subsidies on climate-resilient seeds, organic inputs, and agricultural machinery.

Awareness Campaigns: The Department of Agriculture conducts awareness campaigns, workshops, and farmer field days to educate farmers about climate change adaptation and mitigation measures. These campaigns aim to increase awareness, build resilience, and encourage the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices. It's important to note that climate change adaptation and mitigation are ongoing processes, and the Department of Agriculture in Kashmir continues to monitor the changing climate and explore innovative solutions to address its impact on agricultural activities.

  1. Irrigation plays a crucial role in agricultural productivity. What measures have been taken to ensure efficient water management in the region, and are there any plans for implementing new irrigation techniques or technologies?

Ans: Efficient water management in agriculture is indeed crucial for enhancing productivity and sustainability. In the region of Kashmir, various measures have been taken by the Department of Agriculture Kashmir to ensure efficient water management, and there are plans for implementing new irrigation techniques and technologies. Some of the initiatives are as under:

Irrigation Scheduling has been made public and all the stakeholders have worked in unison to develop and devise a schedule so that assured irrigation facility is provided to the farmers of the UT of JK.

Modernization of Irrigation Infrastructure: The government has been investing in the modernization of irrigation infrastructure in Kashmir. This includes the construction and renovation of canals, reservoirs, water storage tanks, and distribution networks to improve water supply and reduce losses during irrigation.

Micro-Irrigation Systems: Micro-irrigation techniques, such as drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation, are being promoted in the region. These systems deliver water directly to the root zone of plants, minimizing evaporation and ensuring efficient water usage. The government provides subsidies and support to farmers for adopting micro-irrigation systems.

Water Harvesting and Conservation: Water harvesting techniques, including the construction of small ponds, check dams, and rooftop rainwater harvesting systems, are being encouraged. These measures help in conserving rainwater and supplementing irrigation water sources.

Canal Lining and Lateral Improvement: To reduce water seepage and losses from canals, the lining of canals is being carried out. Additionally, lateral improvement works, such as lining the watercourses and field channels, are undertaken to enhance water conveyance efficiency and minimize losses.

Water-Use Efficiency Programs: The Department of Agriculture, in collaboration with research institutions, conducts training programs and awareness campaigns to promote water-use efficiency among farmers. Farmers are educated about best practices, such as optimal irrigation scheduling, water-saving techniques, and proper field-level water management.

Remote Sensing and GIS: Remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) technologies are utilized to monitor water availability, identify water-stressed areas, and optimize irrigation planning. These tools help in mapping and analyzing spatial and temporal variations in water resources and supporting informed decision-making.

Research and Development: Research institutions and agricultural universities in the region are actively engaged in studying water management and exploring new irrigation techniques and technologies suitable for the local conditions. This includes evaluating the efficiency of different irrigation methods, developing water-saving crop varieties, and promoting precision irrigation techniques. The government of Jammu and Kashmir continues to prioritize efficient water management in agriculture.

Efforts are being made to implement new irrigation techniques, improve infrastructure, promote water-saving practices, and leverage technological advancements to enhance water-use efficiency in the region.

  1. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in organic farming and sustainable agriculture. Has the Department of Agriculture introduced any specific programs or incentives to promote organic farming practices in Kashmir? If yes, what has been the response from farmers?

Ans: Yes, the Department of Agriculture in Kashmir has introduced specific programs and incentives to promote organic farming practices in the region. These initiatives aim to encourage farmers to adopt sustainable agricultural practices, reduce chemical inputs, improve soil health, and produce organic crops. Here are some of the programs and incentives:

Subsidies and Financial Assistance: The government provides subsidies and financial assistance to farmers for adopting organic farming practices. These subsidies cover various aspects of organic farming, including the procurement of organic inputs, certification costs, organic seed production, and establishment of organic farming units.

Training and Capacity Building: The Department of Agriculture conducts training programs, workshops, and awareness campaigns to educate farmers about organic farming techniques and practices. These training initiatives cover topics such as composting, vermicomposting, crop rotation, integrated pest management, and soil health management.

The aim is to equip farmers with the necessary knowledge and skills to transition to organic farming. Certification Support: The department assists farmers in obtaining organic certification for their produce under PGS. This involves providing guidance on the certification process, documentation requirements, and connecting farmers with relevant certification agencies. Organic certification Agency that has been established at the Divisional Level which adds value to the farmer's produce and helps them access premium organic markets.

Market Linkages: Efforts are being made to establish strong market linkages for organic farmers. The government facilitates the participation of organic farmers in organic produce exhibitions, fairs, and buyer-seller meets. It also promotes the formation of farmer producer organizations and cooperatives to strengthen the bargaining power of organic farmers and ensure fair prices for their produce.

The response from farmers towards these programs and incentives promoting organic farming in Kashmir has been positive. Many farmers have shown interest and enthusiasm in adopting organic practices. The demand for organic produce, both domestically and internationally, has also been increasing, providing farmers with market opportunities and better returns on their organic crops. However, it's important to note that the transition to organic farming requires time, effort, and resources.

Challenges such as the availability of organic inputs, pest and disease management, and the initial investment for organic certification can be encountered. Nonetheless, the government's initiatives and support have encouraged farmers to explore organic farming as a sustainable and economically viable option.

  1. Post-harvest losses can significantly affect the income and livelihood of farmers. What steps are being taken by the Department of Agriculture to improve post-harvest management, reduce losses, and enhance market access for farmers in Kashmir?

Ans: The Department of Agriculture in Kashmir recognizes the importance of post-harvest management in minimizing losses and ensuring better market access for farmers. Several steps are being taken to improve post-harvest management practices, reduce losses, and enhance market access for farmers. Here are some of the initiatives:

Infrastructure Development: The government is investing in the development of post-harvest infrastructure, including storage facilities, cold storage units, warehouses, and processing units. These facilities help farmers store their produce in optimal conditions, preserve quality, and reduce post-harvest losses.

Training and Capacity Building: The department conducts training programs and workshops to educate farmers about post-harvest management techniques. Farmers are trained in proper harvesting, handling, packaging, and storage practices to minimize losses and maintain the quality of their produce. They are also provided guidance on value addition and product diversification to enhance market opportunities.

Market Linkages and Farmer Producer Organizations: Efforts are being made to establish strong market linkages for farmers. The government facilitates the formation of farmer producer organizations (FPOs) and cooperatives to strengthen the collective bargaining power of farmers and improve their access to markets. FPOs help in aggregating produce, negotiating better prices, and ensuring fair market access.

Packaging and Grading: The department promotes the use of standardized packaging and grading practices to maintain the quality and marketability of agricultural produce. Farmers are encouraged to adopt appropriate packaging materials, labeling, and branding techniques to enhance the market appeal of their products.

Value Addition and Processing: The government supports farmers in value addition and processing of their agricultural produce. This includes providing training and financial assistance for setting up processing units, establishing farmer-centric food processing clusters, and promoting the production of value-added products like jams, pickles, juices, and dried fruits.

Market Information and Awareness: The department disseminates market information to farmers, including price trends, demand patterns, and market opportunities. This helps farmers make informed decisions about the timing of sales and identify potential markets for their produce. Awareness campaigns are also conducted to educate farmers about market requirements, quality standards, and export opportunities.

Post-Harvest Loss Management Programs: The government collaborates with research institutions and agricultural universities to develop post-harvest loss management programs. These programs focus on techniques like modified atmospheric storage, controlled atmosphere storage, and post-harvest treatments to extend the shelf life of perishable produce and reduce losses. By implementing these initiatives, the Department of Agriculture in Kashmir aims to improve post-harvest management practices, reduce losses, enhance market access, and ultimately contribute to the economic well-being of farmers in the region.

  1. Technology and innovation are transforming the agriculture sector worldwide. How is the Department of Agriculture embracing technology and digital solutions to enhance agricultural productivity and provide better services to farmers in Kashmir?

Ans: The Department of Agriculture in Kashmir is committed for embracing technology and digital solutions to enhance agricultural productivity and provide better services to farmers. The Department under DAM (Digital Agriculture Mission) is intending to utilize technology in various possible interventions viz.

Mobile Applications: The department has developed mobile applications that provide farmers with valuable information and services. These applications offer weather updates, crop-specific advice, market prices, and information about government schemes and subsidies. Farmers can access these applications on their smartphones, enabling them to make informed decisions and improve their agricultural practices.

Remote Sensing and GIS: The use of remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) technology helps the department monitor and analyze various aspects of agriculture. Satellite imagery and aerial surveys are used to assess crop health, soil conditions, and water availability. This data enables the department to provide targeted guidance and interventions to farmers, ensuring optimal resource allocation and better productivity.

Precision Farming: The Department of Agriculture promotes precision farming techniques, which involve the use of sensors, drones, and GPS technology to optimize agricultural practices. Farmers can employ precision irrigation methods, precise fertilizer application, and monitor crop health in real-time. This approach enhances resource efficiency, reduces costs, and maximizes yields.

Soil Testing and Advisory Services: The department facilitates soil testing services, which help farmers understand the nutrient content and health of their soil. By analyzing the results, farmers receive customized recommendations on fertilizers and soil amendments. This personalized guidance leads to improved soil health, increased crop productivity, and reduced environmental impact.

Market Linkages: Digital platforms and e-marketplaces are being developed by the department to connect farmers with buyers and streamline the agricultural supply chain. These platforms enable farmers to access wider markets, negotiate better prices, and minimize post-harvest losses. Additionally, real-time market information helps farmers make informed decisions about crop selection and timing of sales.

Training and Education: The Department of Agriculture organizes training programs and workshops to educate farmers about the latest agricultural technologies and best practices. Through these initiatives, farmers are introduced to modern techniques, such as organic farming, integrated pest management, and sustainable agriculture. The department also collaborates with research institutions and private companies to bring advanced agricultural knowledge to the farming community.

By leveraging technology and digital solutions, the Department of Agriculture in Kashmir aims to empower farmers with the necessary tools and information to enhance productivity, improve sustainability, and increase income levels. These initiatives not only benefit individual farmers but also contribute to the overall growth and development of the agriculture sector in the region.

  1. The availability of quality seeds and fertilizers is crucial for agricultural success. What measures have been taken to ensure the accessibility and availability of certified seeds and quality fertilizers for farmers in the region?

Ans: To ensure the accessibility and availability of certified seeds and quality fertilizers for farmers in the region, several measures have been taken by the Department of Agriculture in Kashmir. Here are some of them:

Seed Production and Distribution: The department has established seed production farms and centers where certified seeds of various crops are produced. These seeds undergo rigorous quality testing and certification processes to ensure their genetic purity, viability, and performance. The certified seeds are then distributed to farmers through a network of seed dealers, cooperative societies, and government outlets.

Seed Multiplication Programs: The department encourages seed multiplication programs to increase the availability of quality seeds. Under these programs, selected farmers are trained and provided with high-quality seeds, along with technical guidance and support. These farmers then multiply the seeds and distribute them to other farmers in their communities. This decentralized approach helps in meeting the demand for quality seeds at the grassroots level.

Seed Banks and Storage Facilities: The establishment of seed banks and storage facilities is another measure to ensure the availability of quality seeds. These facilities are equipped with proper storage conditions, such as temperature and humidity control, to maintain seed viability. The seed banks serve as repositories for preserving and distributing a diverse range of traditional and improved seeds, making them accessible to farmers when needed.

Fertilizer Quality Control: The Department of Agriculture has set up quality control laboratories to monitor and assess the quality of fertilizers available in the market. These laboratories perform tests to check the nutrient content, composition, and adulteration of fertilizers. Strict quality standards are enforced, and action is taken against manufacturers and suppliers found to be producing or selling substandard fertilizers. This ensures that farmers have access to genuine and high-quality fertilizers.

Farmer Training and Awareness: The department conducts training programs and awareness campaigns to educate farmers about the importance of using certified seeds and quality fertilizers. Farmers are informed about the advantages of using genuine inputs, such as improved crop yields, disease resistance, and better soil health. These initiatives help farmers make informed decisions while purchasing seeds and fertilizers and discourage the use of counterfeit or low-quality products.

Subsidies and Government Schemes: The UT government under HADP has identified Seed Production and Multiplication as a priority sector and envisages to make the UT self-sufficient in seed production by giving incentives to the farmers who join this chain. The government provides subsidies and financial support to farmers for the purchase of certified seeds and quality fertilizers. These subsidies aim to reduce the cost burden on farmers and encourage them to adopt improved agricultural inputs. Government schemes like the National Seed Project, Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY), and Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) provide assistance in promoting the availability and accessibility of quality seeds and fertilizers. By implementing these measures, the Department of Agriculture in Kashmir ensures that farmers have easy access to certified seeds and quality fertilizers. This helps in improving agricultural productivity, crop quality, and overall farm profitability in the region.

  1. Agriculture is often dependent on the availability of credit and financial support. Are there any government schemes or programs in place to provide financial assistance or loans to farmers in Kashmir? How effective have these programs been in supporting agricultural development?

Ans: Yes, the government of Kashmir has implemented several schemes and programs to provide financial assistance and loans to farmers, aiming to support agricultural development. These initiatives have been instrumental in providing credit and financial support to farmers in the region. Here are some notable schemes:

Kisan Credit Card (KCC): The Kisan Credit Card scheme is a government program that offers farmers a credit facility for agricultural and related activities. Under this scheme, farmers are provided with a credit card that acts as a revolving cash credit facility, allowing them to withdraw funds as per their requirements.

The KCC provides affordable credit for agricultural inputs, crop production, post-harvest expenses, and more. It has been effective in addressing the credit needs of farmers and enabling them to access timely and adequate finance.

Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY): PMFBY is a crop insurance scheme that is presently under implementation in all the Districts of the UT of JK and intends to provide financial support to farmers in case of crop loss or damage due to natural calamities, pests, or diseases. Farmers pay a nominal premium, and the government subsidizes the remaining premium amount. This scheme is crucial in mitigating the risks associated with agricultural activities and safeguarding the income of farmers.

National Agricultural Development Scheme (NADS): NADS is a centrally sponsored scheme aimed at promoting agricultural development in Jammu and Kashmir. It provides financial assistance for various activities, including the establishment of seed banks, modernization of farms, creation of infrastructure, development of horticulture, and training programs for farmers.

The scheme has played a significant role in enhancing agricultural practices, diversifying the farming sector, and improving farmers' income. Interest Subvention Scheme: The government has introduced an interest subvention scheme for agriculture loans to provide farmers with subsidized credit. Under this scheme, farmers receive an interest rate reduction on loans, making them more affordable and accessible. The interest subvention scheme has eased the financial burden on farmers and encouraged them to avail credit for agricultural purposes. Cooperative Credit Institutions: The cooperative credit institutions, such as the Jammu and Kashmir State Cooperative Bank and Regional Rural Banks, provide loans and financial services specifically tailored for farmers.

These institutions offer agricultural loans for various purposes, including crop production, farm machinery purchase, livestock development, and more. They play a crucial role in ensuring the availability of credit to farmers and supporting their financial needs. These government schemes and programs have been effective in supporting agricultural development in Kashmir. They have provided financial assistance, credit facilities, and risk mitigation measures to farmers, enabling them to invest in agricultural activities, adopt modern practices, and improve productivity.

These initiatives have contributed to the overall growth and sustainability of the agricultural sector in the region, uplifting the livelihoods of farmers and promoting rural development.

  1. Farming is predominantly a rural occupation. What initiatives are being undertaken by the Department of Agriculture to empower and educate rural youth about agriculture as a viable career option, and to promote entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector?

Ans: The Department of Agriculture in Kashmir recognizes the importance of empowering and educating rural youth about agriculture as a viable career option and promoting entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector. To achieve these goals, several initiatives have been undertaken. Here are some notable examples:

Skill Development Programs: The department organizes skill development programs and training sessions to educate rural youth about various aspects of agriculture. These programs cover topics such as modern farming techniques, sustainable agriculture practices, agribusiness management, and post-harvest processing. By equipping rural youth with relevant skills and knowledge, the department aims to promote agriculture as a viable career choice.

Entrepreneurship Development Programs: The department conducts entrepreneurship development programs targeted specifically at rural youth. These programs focus on cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset among the youth and provide them with the necessary guidance and support to start their own agricultural ventures. Topics covered may include business planning, access to finance, marketing strategies, and value addition in agriculture. The aim is to encourage rural youth to explore entrepreneurship opportunities within the agricultural sector.

Agripreneurship Promotion: The Department of Agriculture actively promotes agripreneurship, which involves the application of entrepreneurial skills and innovation in agriculture. They provide assistance and guidance to aspiring agripreneurs in areas such as identifying market opportunities, developing business models, accessing credit and subsidies, and navigating government regulations. This support aims to create a conducive environment for rural youth to establish successful agricultural enterprises.

Rural Agri-Business Incubation Centers: The department has set up rural agri-business incubation centers to nurture and mentor aspiring agripreneurs. These centers provide a platform for rural youth to transform their innovative ideas into viable agribusiness ventures. They offer infrastructure support, technical assistance, access to market linkages, and networking opportunities. The incubation centers play a crucial role in fostering entrepreneurship and facilitating the growth of agricultural startups.

Awareness Campaigns and Exhibitions: The department organizes awareness campaigns and agricultural exhibitions in rural areas to showcase success stories, innovative practices, and potential career opportunities in agriculture. These events aim to inspire and educate rural youth about the diverse avenues available in the agricultural sector. They also provide a platform for interaction with successful farmers, agripreneurs, and industry experts.

Collaboration with Educational Institutions: The department collaborates with educational institutions, such as agricultural universities and colleges, to introduce agriculture-related courses and encourage research and innovation in the field. By integrating agricultural education and research with practical experiences, rural youth are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to pursue careers in agriculture and allied sectors. These initiatives by the Department of Agriculture in Kashmir are designed to empower rural youth, change perceptions about agriculture, and create a conducive ecosystem for entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector.

By promoting agriculture as a viable and rewarding career option, the department aims to attract young talent, foster innovation, and ensure the sustainability and growth of the agricultural industry in the region.

  1. The Department of Agriculture plays a vital role in coordinating with other stakeholders such as research institutions, extension services, and agricultural universities. How do you ensure effective collaboration and knowledge exchange between these entities to benefit the farming community?

Ans: To ensure effective collaboration and knowledge exchange between the Department of Agriculture, Kashmir, research institutions, extension services, and agricultural universities, several measures are typically implemented. Some of the common approaches undertaken by the Department are given as under:

Partnerships and Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs): The Department of Agriculture establishes partnerships and formalizes collaborations with research institutions, agricultural universities, and extension services through MoUs. These agreements outline the areas of cooperation, responsibilities, and shared objectives. By fostering formal partnerships, the entities can work together more effectively and leverage each other's expertise and resources.

Research and Development (R&D) Collaboration: The department collaborates with research institutions and agricultural universities in conducting research projects relevant to the farming community. This collaboration involves joint research initiatives, sharing of research findings and data, and collaborative field trials. By combining the practical knowledge of the department with the research expertise of these institutions, new and improved agricultural practices can be developed and disseminated. Extension Services and Training: The department works closely with extension services, agricultural universities, and research institutions to organize training programs, workshops, and capacity-building activities for farmers. These activities aim to transfer research-based knowledge, best practices, and innovations to the farming community. The extension workers act as a bridge between the research institutions and farmers, facilitating the dissemination of relevant information and technologies. Knowledge and Technology Transfer:

The collaboration involves the exchange of knowledge and technology between the Department of Agriculture and research institutions/agricultural universities. Research findings, technological advancements, and innovations are shared with the department, which then disseminates this information to farmers through extension services and other outreach programs.

This knowledge transfer ensures that farmers have access to the latest research-based information and technologies. Consultative and Advisory Committees: The department may establish consultative and advisory committees that include representatives from research institutions, extension services, agricultural universities, and other relevant stakeholders. These committees meet regularly to discuss key agricultural issues, share insights, and provide recommendations for policy formulation and implementation. The diverse expertise of committee members ensures a holistic approach to addressing challenges and leveraging opportunities in the farming community. Information.

Exchange Platforms: The department collaborates with research institutions and agricultural universities to establish information exchange platforms. These platforms can take the form of online portals, databases, or knowledge-sharing networks. They provide a repository of research publications, technical bulletins, case studies, and other relevant information that can be accessed by farmers, extension workers, and other stakeholders.

These platforms facilitate the dissemination of knowledge and foster collaboration among the entities. By fostering effective collaboration and knowledge exchange between the Department of Agriculture, research institutions, extension services, and agricultural universities, the farming community benefits from the latest research findings, innovative technologies, and best practices. This collaboration ensures that agricultural development efforts are evidence based, context-specific, and tailored to the needs of the farmers, leading to improved productivity, sustainability, and overall agricultural development.

  1. Lastly, could you share any success stories or notable achievements of the Department of Agriculture in Kashmir that demonstrate the positive impact of its initiatives on the lives of farmers or the overall agricultural sector in the region?

Ans: Certainly! The Department of Agriculture in Kashmir has achieved notable success in improving the lives of farmers and the overall agricultural sector in the region. Here are a few success stories and achievements:

High-Quality Seed Production: The department's efforts in promoting high quality seed production have resulted in increased availability of certified seeds to farmers. This has significantly contributed to improved crop productivity and enhanced the quality of agricultural produce in the region. The availability of quality seeds has enabled farmers to adopt improved varieties, leading to higher yields and better market opportunities.

Organic Farming Promotion: The department has been actively promoting organic farming practices in Kashmir. Through training programs and awareness campaigns, farmers have been encouraged to adopt organic methods, reduce chemical inputs, and adopt sustainable agricultural practices This has not only resulted in healthier and safer produce but has also opened up niche markets for organic products, providing farmers with premium prices and improved incomes.

Market Linkages and Value Addition: The department has facilitated market linkages for farmers, connecting them with buyers, processors, and exporters. Through initiatives like the establishment of farmer-producer organizations, the department has empowered farmers to collectively market their produce, negotiate better prices, and access wider markets. Additionally, efforts have been made to promote value addition in agriculture, encouraging farmers to process and package their products for better market prospects and increased profitability.

Livelihood Diversification: The department has encouraged farmers to diversify their income sources through activities such as horticulture, sericulture, apiculture, and dairy farming. By providing technical support, training, and financial assistance, the department has helped farmers in expanding their income streams and reducing their dependence solely on crop cultivation.

This has enhanced the resilience of farmers and contributed to overall livelihood improvement. These success stories and achievements highlight the positive impact of the Department of Agriculture's initiatives on the lives of farmers and the agricultural sector in Kashmir. Through its various programs, the department has empowered farmers, improved agricultural practices, enhanced productivity, and contributed to the overall growth and development of the farming community in the region.

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