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Nighat Lone Kashmir Animal Welfare FoundationEXCLUSIVE INTRVIEW YELJAMMU: In a recent online exclusive interview conducted by Ajmer Alam Wani, Editor-in-Chief of JK Monitor (www.jkmonitor.org), Nighat Lone,  Co-Founder and Trustee, Kashmir Animal Welfare Foundation (KAWF Cares), shed light on the challenges faced by their organization in promoting animal rights and welfare in the region. Despite Kashmir's longstanding focus on human rights issues, the welfare of animals has often taken a backseat. Lone emphasized the uphill task of propagating a sense of compassion and care for animals in a society where such values are not widely embraced.

Established in July 2019, KAWF Cares was born out of a deep passion for animal welfare and a strong desire to alleviate the suffering of animals in Kashmir. The organization was founded by three dedicated females who have been actively involved in animal welfare efforts across different geographies, including Kashmir, Delhi NCR, and the Middle East. Their shared belief that every animal deserves compassion, safety, and justice has been the driving force behind the foundation's establishment and growth.

Despite its noble mission, KAWF Cares has encountered numerous challenges along its journey. The lack of awareness among the general public about animal welfare and their rights remains a significant obstacle. Local perceptions often consider dogs filthy, cats a nuisance, livestock animals as mere commodities, and horses as mere tools for human labour. Overcoming these deeply ingrained attitudes and fostering a compassionate approach towards animal existence has proven to be a formidable task.

KAWF Cares has actively raised awareness about animal welfare through participation in various animal welfare events in Kashmir. The foundation has also utilized social media platforms to propagate kindness and compassion towards animals. However, limited financial resources, inadequate infrastructure, and a lack of veterinary services pose daily challenges for the organization.

To tackle these limitations, KAWF Cares has collaborated with the Department of Animal Husbandry to provide free treatment for stray animals. By leveraging this partnership, the organization ensures that animals in need receive necessary veterinary care, even in the face of resource constraints. Additionally, KAWF Cares aims to establish its own permanent animal shelter, addressing the accommodation needs of larger animals. Despite the ongoing challenges in securing funding for the shelter, the foundation remains committed to creating a safe haven for animals in need.

Managing the large population of stray animals, particularly dogs and cats, poses another significant challenge. KAWF Cares has actively engaged with the Srinagar Municipal Corporation (SMC) to advocate for the implementation of an Animal Birth Control (ABC) program. Through consistent meetings and collaboration with the SMC, they have successfully initiated and facilitated the scaling up of sterilization efforts, offering a long-term solution to managing the stray animal population.

One of the distressing realities in the Valley is the prevalence of animal cruelty and abuse. A staggering 70% of the cases reported to KAWF Cares on a daily basis involve injuries inflicted by humans, including hit-and-run accidents and pet abandonment. In response, KAWF Cares emphasizes counseling and education as part of their approach. The foundation firmly believes in the power of education to foster kindness, compassion, and empathy towards animals. By advocating for stricter animal welfare laws and collaborating with law enforcement agencies, KAWF Cares aims to create a deterrent effect and ensure accountability for those who perpetrate acts of cruelty.

Looking ahead, KAWF Cares envisions setting up smaller diagnostic and treatment centers in all districts, extending invitations to animal lovers and volunteers to join their cause in respective regions. The foundation also plans to carry out ABC programs in collaboration with Municipal Corporations, conduct extensive feeding programs for community animals, establish a sanctuary for abandoned horses and large animals, and invite veterinary professionals from across the world to introduce advanced medical initiatives in the region. Regular awareness campaigns targeting people of all ages will be conducted to instill a sense of coexistence and kindness towards stray and community animals.

With ambitious plans for animal welfare, KAWF Cares seeks support from various sectors of society to achieve its goals. The foundation's dedication, perseverance, and collaboration with local authorities hold the promise of building a more compassionate society in Kashmir, where kindness and empathy towards animals become deeply ingrained values.

For full interview read the questions and detailed answers below:-

  1. What inspired you to start the Kashmir Animal Welfare Foundation, and how has the organization grown since its inception? 

Ans: Kashmir Animal Welfare Foundation (KAWF Cares) was established in July 2019 with a deep passion for animal welfare and a strong desire to alleviate the suffering of animals in Kashmir. The inspiration behind starting this organization stemmed from a personal love for animals and witnessing the unfortunate conditions they faced on the streets. It was heartbreaking to see their struggles and the lack of support for their well-being.

Our Founding team consisted of three females who have been ardent animal lovers and associated with animal welfare in many geographies, including Kashmir, Delhi NCR and Middle East. The inspiration behind the foundation and its growth can be attributed to the shared belief of the founders that every animal deserves compassion, safety, and justice. The journey has been challenging yet rewarding, and we remain committed to making a positive difference in the lives of animals in Kashmir.

The mission of the foundation is to extend a helping hand to every animal in need, providing them with safety and justice. The organization aims to rescue and rehabilitate stray animals, raise awareness about their rights.

Since its inception, KAWF Cares has experienced significant growth and progress. We have expanded our network of volunteers and supporters who share the same dedication to animal welfare. This has allowed us to increase our impact and reach a broader audience. We have successfully carried out numerous rescue operations, providing medical care, shelter, and rehabilitation to animals in distress.

Looking ahead, KAWF Cares aims to continue its growth and expand its reach. We aspire to establish a permanent animal shelter, strengthen our advocacy efforts for animal rights, and work towards implementing policies that protect the welfare of animals across the region. 

  1. What inspires you to continue your work with KAWF Cares each day, and how do you stay motivated in the face of setbacks and challenges?

 Ans: Despite the inevitable setbacks and challenges that come with animal welfare work, several factors inspire us to continue our dedication each day. First and foremost, the welfare of the animals we serve is a constant source of inspiration. Seeing their resilience, their ability to trust and love again, and witnessing their lives transform for the better is incredibly rewarding. Knowing that our efforts contribute to their well-being keeps us motivated and fuels our passion for this work.

Secondly, the support and encouragement of our team and volunteers play a significant role in keeping us motivated. Our collaboration with like-minded individuals who share the same vision and dedication helps us maintain a positive and supportive environment. We celebrate our successes together and provide support during challenging times, creating a sense of camaraderie that keeps us motivated.

Additionally, the gratitude and appreciation we receive from the community and individuals whose lives we've touched reinforce our commitment. When we witness the impact of our work on both animals and people, it serves as a powerful reminder of why we started this journey and pushes us to overcome obstacles.

To stay motivated in the face of setbacks and challenges, we believe in maintaining a proactive and solution-oriented mindset. Each setback is an opportunity to learn, grow, and improve our strategies. 

  1. What have been some of the most rewarding experiences that you have had as the Founder and Trustee of KAWF Cares, and how have these experiences shaped your vision for the organization?

Ans: As mentioned earlier, KAWF Cares was established by a team of Founding members and each of us is instrumental in establishing the organization as is. As a Founder of KAWF, I have been fortunate to witness numerous rewarding experiences that have deeply shaped my vision for the organization.

One of the most rewarding experiences is seeing the direct impact of our efforts on animals' lives. Witnessing an animal's transformation from a state of neglect or suffering to a place of safety, health, and happiness is incredibly fulfilling. Each time we rescue an animal, find them a loving home, or restore their health, it reinforces the importance of our work and motivates us to continue making a difference.

Another rewarding experience is the positive feedback and gratitude we receive from the community we serve. When individuals whose lives have been touched by our organization express their appreciation and share stories of how their bond with animals has deepened or how they've become advocates themselves, it serves as validation of our mission. These experiences help shape our vision for expanding our reach and creating a more compassionate society. 

  1. What are some of the biggest challenges that Kashmir faces when it comes to animal welfare, and how has KAWF Cares worked to overcome these challenges? 

Ans: Kashmir is and has been a turmoil driven territory where the main focus has always been on human rights and its violation and animal rights have always been on a backburner. Propagating a sense of animal welfare has been an uphill task for KAWF Cares. Among many other challenges KAWF Cares has faced, a few have been difficult to overcome and our struggle against the same is going on.

Lack of awareness: One of the significant challenges is the lack of awareness among the general public about animal welfare and their rights. Locals consider dogs to be filthy animals, cats are considered a nuisance, chicken, sheep and cows are livestock and horses are just a means for humans to use for mechanical work. With such a mental outlook, having a compassionate approach towards their existence becomes difficult. KAWF Cares has raised awareness about animal welfare issues, responsible pet ownership, and the importance of compassion towards animals in two different animal welfare events in Kashmir. We propagate kindness and compassion towards animals using our social media accounts.

Limited resources: Limited financial resources, infrastructure, and veterinary services is another challenge we face on a daily basis. KAWF Cares recognizes the challenges posed by these limitations and is actively working to overcome them. One of the strategies employed by KAWF Cares is to collaborate with the Department of Animal Husbandry to provide free treatment for stray animals. By leveraging this partnership, we ensures that animals in need receive the necessary veterinary care, even in the absence of abundant resources.

Furthermore, we are committed to establishing our own resources, such as a permanent animal shelter, to address the accommodation needs of larger animals. While securing the funding for a permanent shelter is an ongoing challenge, and we are actively exploring various avenues, including fundraising campaigns and potential partnerships, to fulfill this crucial requirement. Although it may take time, the vision of having a dedicated shelter reflects KAWF Cares' commitment to providing a safe haven for animals in need.

Stray animal population: Managing a large population of stray animals, such as dogs and cats, is a significant challenge. KAWF Cares has worked diligently to address this challenge by actively collaborating with the Srinagar Municipal Corporation (SMC) and advocating for the implementation of an Animal Birth Control (ABC) program. Through continuous meetings and engagement with SMC, they have successfully initiated and facilitated the scaling up of sterilization efforts. This collaboration with SMC demonstrates the effectiveness of joint efforts and paves the way for long-term solutions in managing the stray animal population.

Animal cruelty and abuse: With lack of compassion and a missing sense of co-existence for animals, instances of animal cruelty and abuse are a norm in the valley. A staggering 70% of the cases we receive on a daily basis are injuries inflicted by a human; a vehicle hit and run case and abandonment of pets. We understand the importance of addressing these issue and take proactive steps to overcome it. One of the approaches employed by KAWF Cares is counseling and education.

KAWF Cares believes in the power of education and raising awareness to foster kindness and compassion towards animals. Through counseling programs and community engagement, KAWF Cares works to educate individuals about the ethical treatment of animals, the negative impacts of animal cruelty, and the importance of empathy. By highlighting the benefits of a harmonious relationship between humans and animals, KAWF Cares strives to change attitudes and behaviors towards animals, reducing instances of abuse.

Additionally, KAWF Cares actively advocates for stricter animal welfare laws and collaborates with law enforcement agencies to ensure that cases of animal cruelty are reported, investigated, and acted upon. By working with local authorities and legal bodies, KAWF Cares aims to create a deterrent effect and promote a sense of accountability for those who perpetrate acts of cruelty.

Through counseling, education, advocacy, and collaboration, KAWF Cares endeavors to create a society where kindness and compassion towards animals are deeply ingrained values. By addressing the root causes of animal cruelty and actively engaging with the community, KAWF Cares strives to reduce instances of abuse and build a more compassionate society in Kashmir. 

  1. Can you describe a particularly challenging case that KAWF Cares handled, and how did your team go about resolving the issue? 

Ans: We have encountered many cases in the last few years which have been challenging. One such case is of Rani who was a paralyzed dog found on the road and rescued in a pregnant state. She was taken in as foster by KAWF where she gave birth to a litter of 4 puppies. We were barely able to manage at that point with a number of sick dogs at the shelter and moving Rani and her pups to a shelter for a permanent sanctuary would have proven to be dangerous for her.

We started to look for a permanent home for her. A kind lady from Himachal came forward to adopt her and her pups but the task was to drive them to Himachal in a car in the midst of a simmering June. We managed to collect enough funds to cover logistics and expenses towards her upkeep for a few months. It took 24 hours for her to reach Himachal in a car. Such difficult cases can only be a success with team effort and an undying dedication from volunteers and we are lucky enough to have the support of both.

  1. How does KAWF Cares collaborate with other organizations, government agencies, and individuals to achieve its goals, and what has been the most successful partnership to date? 

Ans: We at KAWF Cares understand the importance of collaboration and partnerships to achieve our goals effectively. We actively collaborate with other animal welfare organizations that share a common mission. These partnerships can involve joint initiatives, resource sharing, and knowledge exchange. By working together, organizations can pool their expertise, expand their reach, and amplify their impact in addressing animal welfare issues.

We also engage with government agencies, such as the Department of Animal Husbandry and Srinagar Municipal Corporation etc. These collaborations are vital for providing medical care, sterilization programs, and emergency response for injured animals.

We also engage with the local community, individuals, and volunteers who share a passion for animal welfare. Through outreach programs, awareness campaigns, KAWF Cares aims to foster a sense of responsibility, empathy, and compassion towards animals. Engaging the community can lead to increased support, participation, and a collective effort towards achieving the organization's goals.

As for the most successful partnership to date, it would be the collaboration with our Municipality and Animal Husbandry to implement a city-wide sterilization and vaccination program, resulting in a significant reduction in the stray animal population and improved overall animal health.

  1. What specific initiatives has KAWF Cares undertaken to promote responsible pet ownership, and how has the community responded to these efforts? 

Ans: Our adoption rate is 100% for kittens and 30% for pups. Adult cats and dogs are sterilized and released back into their territory. Pedigree species get faster adopters than Indies even if they are adults.

Our adoption process is very stringent with steps like screening, house checks (if possible), understanding of family background and willingness to have a pet in the family, financial stability, and a positive approach towards spay and neuter. As a rule, no animal is given up for adoption to anyone less than an age of 21 years and someone who plans to give an animal as a gift.

We handhold a potential adopter guiding them from the very point an animal enters their life to the point they get comfortable with each other. We encourage pet parents to keep vaccination details of their adopter pet up to date on an annual basis, deworming on a quarterly basis and spay and neuter post an age of 6 months.

We encourage people to adopt animals that have been rescued, abandoned, or birthed by a stray animal rather than purchase one so the mushrooming nexus of breeders within the valley is culled at a demand level. It secures homes and a good life for stray animals who otherwise have less chances of survival out on the street. 

  1. What are the long-term goals of KAWF Cares, and how do you see the organization evolving over the next decade? 

Ans: Animal welfare in the valley is still in its nascent stages. The woods are deep, and we have promises to keep. Our Goals are the establishment of a Permanent Animal Shelter as we aims to have a dedicated and permanent animal shelter that provides a safe and nurturing environment for animals in need. This shelter would serve as a haven for rescued and abandoned animals, offering them proper care, shelter, and rehabilitation while they await adoption or recovery. With our own shelter, we can create a space where animals receive the love and attention they deserve, fostering an environment of compassion and empathy.

Currently, our operations are limited to Srinagar city with some help from volunteers and animal welfare groups in other districts who we collaborate with on cases reported outside of the city. Our goal is to establish a robust network of volunteers, resources, and facilities across Kashmir, so no case remains unattended. There should be a hospital and diagnostic center along with logistical support in each district which caters to local cases respectively.

Our future plans include:

  1. Set up smaller diagnostic and treatment centers in all districts and invite fellow animal lovers and volunteers to join us in respective regions.
  2. Collaborate with Srinagar Municipal Corporate and other district municipalities to carry out ABC programs in a religious manner so that population is kept under control.
  3. Carry out extensive feeding programs via local feeders for community dogs and cats to minimize territorial fights over resources among strays.
  4. Build a separate lifetime sanctuary for horses and other large animals who have been abandoned by owners or too injured and incapacitated for a stray life.
  5. Invite veterinarians from outside the state and country to visit and introduce newer approaches to medical and diagnostic initiatives within the valley.
  6. Conduct awareness campaigns on a regular basis for kids, younger and older generations to inculcate a sense of coexistence and kindness towards stray and community animals.

We have ambitious plans for animal welfare, and we hope with support from various sectors of the society we can achieve our goals. 

  1. How do you balance the demands of being a Founder and chairperson of KAWF Cares with your other personal and professional obligations, and what advice would you give to aspiring social entrepreneurs and activists? 

Ans: It's true that once you decide to allocate your time towards animal welfare, it becomes your center of existence. My day is mostly spent in coordinating rescues, networking, planning, strategizing and handling the day-to-day operations while also handling my pets who are rescued too.

My advice would be to focus on where your passion lies. Animal welfare is a thankless job. Yet, helping animals brings contentment to our souls. It's the most selfless act that one can carry. The only reward is their love and loyalty which is unmatched in this world.

As Anatole France says, "Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." 

  1. How do you ensure that KAWF Cares’ animal welfare initiatives are culturally sensitive and respectful to the traditions and practices of the Kashmiri community? 

Ans: We avoid indulging in any act or word that would hurt any sentiment, religious or traditional. We cannot convert any hatred towards animals into love by calling out any age-old belief or activity as cruel. Animal love can be propagated only by living the example using the language of love. We have rescued animals at home, we feed strays within our capacity, we take up animal welfare activities beyond our scope.

The best strategy for conversion is to lead by example. We could inspire some people to follow while others change their approach. All we can do is ask; the change needs to come from within. 

  1. What have been some of the most innovative and effective fundraising strategies employed by KAWF Cares, and how do you balance the need for financial resources with the organization's mission and values? 

Ans: Our fundraising is mostly online using our social media accounts and fundraising platforms like Milaap and Impact. We have been able to raise funds to cover piled up bills in the past although the fundraising process via crowd sourcing platforms is excruciatingly slow. We have a few donors who donate to us every now and then. A chunk of expenses is covered from our own pocket, but we seek help when it goes overboard.

However, a full-fledged rescue and rehabilitation work will entail an expense way bigger than we can afford on our own. We would need to raise more funds on a regular basis. Each case costs an amount of 2000-5000 depending on the severity which includes transportation, food, medicines etc. Luckily for us, we don't have to pay for the treatment charges at any of the Animal Husbandry run hospitals unless we take a private consultation.

We have been working on some innovative and coming of age fundraising strategies that heavily funded organizations in India have adopted. A good social presence on the internet helps reach out to people gifted with divine providence and willing to support animal welfare. We are also reaching out to companies within India for enrollment into their Corporate Social Responsibility Programs. 

  1. How does KAWF Cares address issues of animal cruelty and abuse, particularly within the context of larger social and political conflicts in the region? 

Ans: It’s important to promote animal welfare laws and their understanding to criminalize animal cruelty and abuse no matter what the political environment of a region is. There is a lack of awareness within masses regarding how an animal should be treated and what are the penalties when it comes to harming an animal.

We deal with such cases within the parameters of animal welfare law established by the Animal Welfare Board of India as well as the Constitution of India. It's also important to seek the support of influential religious and community leaders to promote compassion towards animals. Their endorsement can have a positive impact on encouraging ethical treatment of animals.

Occasionally, we collaborate with animal welfare organizations and NGOs that have experience in addressing similar issues. Their expertise and resources can be invaluable in tackling animal cruelty effectively. 

  1. What impact do you hope to see from KAWF Cares' work in the long-term, both in terms of animal welfare and broader social and economic development in Kashmir? 

Ans: KAWF Cares is the pioneer of animal welfare in Kashmir. We want to build the legacy into a robust platform and a support system for future generations to come into the world of animal love. We aim at inspiring more people into accepting animals as an important part of our habitat and being an active part of the welfare ecosystem.

We hope in future we can generate employment opportunities to help and support underprivileged sections of society to contribute to economic development of the valley.

Our work towards animal welfare reduces animal suffering and promotes a sense of co-existence among human and non-human species. This leads to better living conditions, humane treatment, and prevention of cruelty towards animals and thus a happier society.

We aim at playing a vital role towards public awareness and safety, we ensure a cleaner environment. Our long-term efforts aim to create a world where animals are treated with compassion and respect while considering the broader implications for society and the environment.

  1. How KAWF does Cares balance its focus on domestic animal welfare with broader environmental concerns, such as threats to biodiversity and ecosystem health? 

Ans: Our focus is animal welfare and the upkeep of their rights within the confines of domestication. There is a lot to do in this area and a laser sharp focus alone would ensure that we succeed in our plans. However, our strategy, activities and plans always keep in account environmental issues and concerns. We try to collaborate with other organisations such as Wildlife SOS who have their focus centered towards such domains. We extend our support wherever possible. 

  1. Finally, how can individuals and communities outside of Kashmir support KAWFCares' work and contribute to the organization's mission from afar? And what message do you have for those who are passionate about animal welfare but may not know how best to contribute to the cause?

Ans: Individuals living outside have better access to resources, funds and a vast network. Individuals and communities outside of Kashmir can contribute to KAWF Cares and support the organisations mission in several ways:

Donations: Financial contributions can significantly support KAWF Cares initiatives. Donations can be made directly to the organisation, towards various programs, including rescue operations, medical care, and educational campaigns. Regular or one-time donations can make a meaningful impact on our ability to provide vital services for animals in need.

Fundraising: Individuals can organise fundraising events or campaigns to raise funds for KAWF Cares. This could include social media campaigns, crowd funding initiatives and financial support for KAWF Cares mission.

Volunteer Remotely: Even if physically distant, individuals can offer their skills and expertise to support KAWF Cares remotely. This may include volunteering in areas such as website development, graphic design, content creation or fundraising coordination.

Spread Awareness: Help raise awareness about KAWF Cares mission and the importance of animal welfare by sharing our work and initiatives through social media platforms, blogs, or other online platforms. Amplify our message and engage others in supporting our cause by educating them about animal welfare issues and the impact of KAWF Cares work in Kashmir.

Collaborate and Network: Connect KAWF Cares with potential partners, organisations, or individuals who can contribute to their cause. Networking and creating collaborations can expand our reach, access additional resources, and strengthen our impact on animal welfare.

For those passionate about animal welfare but unsure of how to contribute, here's a message: "Your passion for animal welfare is commendable. Remember, every action, no matter how small, can create positive change for animals. Find the approach that aligns with your skills, interests, and resources, and take steps towards making a difference in the lives of animals. Together, we can contribute to a more compassionate world for all beings".

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