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Mushtaaque Ali Ahmad KhanINTERVIEW EXCLUSIVEJAMMU: In an exclusive online interview with Ajmer Alam Wani, Editor-in-Chief of JK Monitor (www.jkmonitor.org), Mushtaaque Ali Ahmad Khan, the founder of the International Film Festival, Kashmir World Film Festival, shared his journey of turning a decade-long dream into reality and revealed the long-standing vision behind organizing such a grand event in the picturesque valley.

For years, the idea of organizing an international film festival in Kashmir had been brewing in Khan's mind. He had discussed this ambitious concept with his close counterparts and cultural organizations, but various obstacles prevented its execution. Khan firmly believed that a place as picturesque and culturally vibrant as Kashmir deserved to host an international film festival. As someone deeply involved in theater, radio, television, and even short films, this dream held significant importance to him.

Determined to bring his vision to life, Khan took matters into his own hands. Without any external support, he decided to embark on this challenging endeavor. On the 1st of June 2017, he made the resolute choice to go forward, and within just a month, on the 1st of July 2017, he successfully conducted the first edition of the 'Kashmir World Film Festival.'

With his extensive experience in the realm of art and culture, Khan's dedication to his craft is unwavering. He approaches his work with an innate passion and devotion. Whether he is performing a role or directing a project, he immerses himself completely, channeling his creative energy to bring forth the desired emotions and moods. Khan's ultimate objective is to communicate and connect with audiences, either through his own performances or by orchestrating the efforts of his actors and team.

As a cultural activist, Khan's sphere of influence continues to expand. In addition to acting and directing, he tirelessly works for the welfare and advancement of the entire artistic community, including performing arts. Diligently promoting and preserving art and culture, he is also a staunch advocate for the genuine causes of artists, considering the entire fraternity as his own family.

Khan firmly believes in the transformative power of cultural programs, films, and other artistic endeavors. These creative mediums possess the ability to bridge gaps, dispel doubts, and foster a deeper understanding among diverse communities and sections of society. By utilizing these tools effectively, a strong and harmonious society can be built, leading to a stronger nation.

When discussing the preservation and promotion of Kashmir's rich culture, Khan emphasizes the importance of the Kashmiri language. As one of the world's classic languages, Kashmiri holds a special place in his heart. Whether through plays, music, or dance, he actively participates in the promotion of Kashmiri performing arts. His research projects and documentary films have explored folk theater, folk music, folk dance, and even the musical instruments of Kashmir. Notably, he ensures that his music projects incorporate only Kashmiri musical instruments, and when showcasing folk dance, he remains faithful to the traditional Kashmiri steps, avoiding the influence of other regional or cinematic styles.

Additionally, Khan acknowledges the significance of Kashmir's Sufiyana Mosiqee, a soul-stirring form of music that is unfortunately fading away and requires urgent attention. He is actively engaged in revitalizing and preserving this timeless art.

Khan emphasizes that Kashmir is a land of diverse cultures, showcasing unity in diversity. Alongside the majority Kashmiris, ethnic groups such as Paharis, Gojars, Pathans, Dards, Punjabis, and others contribute to the region's cultural fabric. Khan firmly believes in preserving and promoting the richness of these various cultures.

Join us in this enlightening conversation as we delve deeper into Mushtaaque Ali Ahmad Khan's artistic journey and his unwavering commitment to the promotion of art, culture, and unity in Kashmir and beyond.

  1. Can you tell us about your journey and experiences as the founder of the International Film Festival, Kashmir World Film Festival?

Ans: Actually the idea of organizing an international Film Festival in Kashmir was in my mind for the last about one decade. I had discussed it with few of my close friends in the same field and few concerned organizations but due one reason or the other this idea could not happen. I used to think that a place like Kashmir should have an International Film Festival as the Valley is the most suitable place to host such an activity. As you know I belong to Theatre, Radio and Television and also made few short films, it was really a big dream for me. So finally on 1st June 2017, I finally decidedto go for it single handed without any support from any side. Within a month that is on 1st July 2017, I conducted the 1st edition of 'Kashmir world film festival', There is an Udru couplet which fits well in this situation that is : 

"Main akela hi chala tha Jaanib e manzil magar,

Log milte gaye aur karwaan banta gaya"

  1. What motivated you to establish this film festival, and what has been the impact of such an initiative on the local film industry in Kashmir?

Ans: The motivation to establish this Film Festival was that there was no Cinema Hall in Kashmir and I wanted the people of Kashmir, especially the youth of Kashmir should not be deprived from this medium which is the strongest medium.

The impact has been substantial. The students of different colleges and Universities (especially studying Mass Communication in different institutions) were given an opportunity to have a three hours class in the morning (during the festival), with the renowned Actors, Writers and Filmmakers of India, were they could freely interact on different aspects of filmmaking.

These young students were so much excited to get such type of a chance within the valley. By seeing the response of these young boys and girls, I got encouraged to do the second edition within 4 months. The response was overwhelming edition after edition till I did 4 editions. After the fourth edition, we started doing preparations for the 5th edition to be held in October 2019. We had announced the dates.

We had booked the venue. We had already received around 150 films. These films had also been shortlisted. But in August 2019, due to the obvious reasons we had to close our office for a period of more than six or seven months. Again in March 2020, we again started gearing up but suddenly we saw the rising of Pandemic of Covid. Now after a gap God willing (Inshallah) we are all set for organizing the 5th edition in Sep/Oct 2023. 

The impact of our festival on local film industry has been overwhelming. A big number of filmmakers from different institution as well as freelancers have been participating in our festival. Some of them were awarded for their meritorious work. To get an award on such an international platform means a lot for a new comer. It helped in the career of so many filmmakers.

  1. As the Secretary of the Cultural Club at Kashmir University, howhave you contributed to promoting cultural activities and nurturing talent among the students? Could you share some notable achievements or events organized by the Cultural Club under your leadership?

Ans: The experience of participating in cultural programs throughthe 'Cultural Club' of University of Kashmir was a great and a memorable experience. I was very active member of the 'Cultural Club'. I used to sing in the music concerts, act in plays and also do anchoring. I gained good popularity amongst my fellow students as well as my teachers and the administration.

After becoming the 'Secretary' in my final year, I became more responsible and increased the cultural activities. Other than the performance of plays we used to hold music concerts and last but not the least, we used to present the 'University Anthem'(Tarana)"Hee Mouj Kashiree…" on several occasions including the annual convocations.

  1. As the Chairman of ACT (Actors' Creative Theatre), what approach do you adopt to train and mentor aspiring actors?

Ans: Working as Chairman and Creative Director of the society of Actors' Creative Theatre (ACT) is a huge responsibility. It is apassion as well as mission for me. This needs much dedicationand hard work. Most of the time, we have to work without any remuneration. My spirit of working in this organization comes from the realization that I owe a lot to this soil. My people and my society have given me much love and honor. Now this is the time that I should do something for my people. I do know that that whatever I am doing is not enough but I am trying to do my bit in my humble way. 

We hold Workshops, conferences, seminars and other training programs for the interested people, especially the youth free of cost. It has been our endeavor to involve more and more youth and new comers in our activities and programs. We also work on the personality development of our young boys and girls. By involving the youth in our activities we imbibe positivity in them so that tomorrow they can become responsible and better citizens.

  1. How do you balance your roles as an actor, director, and cultural activist, and what drives your passion for each of these fields?

Ans: It is indeed a good question. Believe me, after having such a long experience I don’t really have to think over it. It happens automatically. What I do is - I work, I work and I work. When I am doing a role I am totally into it and that time I direct myself only. When I am directing I take it as if I am doing all the roles so I live all the characters of my play or a serial. The purpose is to convey a feeling or a mood that can be achieved either directly by me or through my actors and rest of the team. 

As cultural activist my work really gets wider and wider. Apart from Acting and Direction I have to work for the welfare of the fraternity connected with art and culture including Performing Arts. I do work very diligently for the preservation and promotion of art and culture and also strive for the genuine cause of the Artists. I take whole of artist fraternity as my own family.

  1. Can you discuss the challenges you faced while establishing and managing the various cultural cum literary clubs in Kashmir?

Ans: Hmmm not much.

If you talk about the registration or other legal formalities that has never been an issue. But having a team of dedicated members is really a matter of concern. You have to look for people having the same spirit as you have, Secondly you don’t have much money with you so most of the time the members have to work on the voluntary basis. You get very less number of Artists / members who are ready to work like that - and that is really a big Challenge!

  1. How do you envision the future of the Kashmiri film industry, and what steps are being taken to support and promote local talent?

Ans: I am a man with positive thinking and always believe that the better days are not very far. I do see a bright future of Kashmiri Film Industry. Some of the young boys and girls are doing a commendable job by making short duration films and music videos in less budget. Tomorrow if they have a good budget they will definitely make good films which can compete at the national and international levels. I strongly believe that in Kashmir there is no dearth of talent. Hence a strong based Kashmiri Film Industry rich in all departments of Filmmaking like writing, direction, acting, editing, cinematography and other technical professionals will no more be a dream.

  1. What role do you believe cultural activities and film festivals play in promoting unity and understanding among diverse communities?

Ans: Again a very good question.

Through cultural programs, films and other such activities we can definitely achieve what seems impossible otherwise. Films, Drama & Music have a deep and permanent effect on the minds and souls of people. So whatever is being disseminated through these sources is very fruitful. These things can definitely help in clearing all doubts amongst the different communities and sections of the society and develop a better understanding. If these tools are used properly it can help build a strong and better society and finally a strong nation.

  1. As a prominent TV actor, how do you select roles and projects that align with your artistic vision and contribute to society? 

Ans: To be very frank I like to play negative roles or roles of a Police / Army officer. I think that is what suits on my personality more. But by playing negative roles I don’t want to spread negativity but I want my fans to differentiate between good and the evil. Finally good has to win over the evil. 

As far as selecting subjects of my projects for Stage and TV, I prefer subjects which highlight problems of the poor, backward and downtrodden section of our society. I also have a liking for historical subjects with good moral message.

  1. Could you share some insights into your experience as a set designer and the creative process behind bringing stories to life visually?

Ans: Working as a set designer or an art director is something which I did not learn from anybody or anywhere. I just try to recreate the exact replica of the location which we are going to show on the stage or in a Serial or a film. I will share an instance once I had to create the set for a fisherman family living on the banks of the Wularlake.

Before that I had not been to the banks of the Wular but for this this reason I did a survey and identified a village on the banks of the Wular, just down the slope of the Shrine of Hazrat Baba Shukur Din. The name of that village is Zeermanz. That time this village was not connected with the motorable road. I went upto Watlab and from there had to travel on foot for few kilometers. I reached Zeermanz and clicked few snaps then recreated the same ambiance and a hut on the stage. I got the best set award for this set. 

Once again I had to create a set of some village which was supposed tobe belonging to a Paharispeaking community living near the LOC. We travelled up to Zachaldara, Handwara by a car. From there traveled one or two kilometers to see the type of houses they live in.

One house had to be of a poor villager and another was supposed to belonging to a rich landlord of that area. On stage I created a two story house for the rich landlord with a big verandah and a small hut for poor family. Both houses were constructed on the same pattern as we had seen in Zachaldara, Handwara. 

Even while working for the television, I would travel any distance in a car or on foot to get exact location which is needed for that particular scene of that serial or a film.

  1. What are some of the key themes or issues you explore in your directorial projects, and why are they important to you?

Ans: I am a man who is down to earth and always wants to remain connected to my grounds, to my soil. So as I told you I always love to highlight the problems of the unprivileged section of society and try to be more close to the reality rather than to show those unrealistic stories which are far away from our masses.

  1. How do you collaborate with other artists and filmmakers to create meaningful and impactful projects?

Ans: I am always ready to collaborate with other artists and filmmakers provided they are sincere and dedicated in their profession and are not ready to compromise with the quality of the product. When you speak the truth, when you show the truth through your projects, you are definitely going to have an impact.

  1. Can you share a specific project or performance that holds special significance to you and explain why it resonates with you personally?

Ans: In 1986 / 87 I did a role in a TV Serial titled 'Imaandar'. My role was of a spoiled brat from a rich family who is not so serious in his studies and makes fun of everybody around him. He is always surrounded by a gang of his henchmen. He misbehaves with his teachers and also teases girls of his college. His typical dialogue was "Surikh Karai Saersi --- Surikh !!!". 

This dialogue became so popular that even today people recognize me by that dialogue "Surikh Karai !!!".Till date this has been my most popular and most recognized role. Honestly speaking I did not do any hardwork or any special practice for rendering this dialogue. I just rendered this dialogue in my peculiar way. But I believe that this role and this dialogue suited my personality and my style of acting, hence was a big hit.  

  1. What steps have you taken to preserve and promote the rich cultural heritage of Kashmir through your various initiatives? How do you incorporate elements of Kashmiri culture and traditions in your artistic work?

Ans: When we talk about the preservation and promotion of our rich culture, the first thing which comes to my mind is our language - Kashmiri. Kashmiri is one of the Classic languages of the world. We should be proud of our language. I do most of activities whether it is plays, music or dance in Kashmiri language. I love to work on my Kashmiri performing arts.

I have done few research projects and made few documentaries films on folk theatre, folk music and folk dance of Kashmir. I have also done research and done few documentary series on musical instruments of Kashmir. One important thing worth mentioning here is that whenever I work on some music project, I make it sure that I use only Kashmiri musical instruments. Even while conducting programs on folk dance, I make it sure that all the steps are Kashmiri and there is no influence of filmy dance or the dance of any other region. 

We should be proud of our Kashmiri Sufiyana Mosiqee. But this is a dying art and needs our utmost attention. I am working on that as well. Further more I would like to say that Kashmir is a land of diverse cultures. It is a typical example of unity in diversity. Kashmiris are in majority in Kashmir but we also have here the ethnic groups of Paharis, Gojars, Pathans, Dards, Punjabis, Baltis and others, we have to preserve and promote these cultures as well.

  1. Can you discuss any upcoming projects or initiatives you are currently working on and what audiences can expect from them?

Ans: Other than working on the 5th Edition of Kashmir World Film Festival, I am planning to work on few short films on the virgin subjects, on which nobody has made a film so far. I believe in doing something different. In Bombaiya language it is said :"Zara Kuchh Hatt Ke KareinGe !!!"

  1. How do you use your platform and influence to address social issues and bring about positive change in society?

Ans: While selecting a subject for a stage play or a film or even a street play my utmost effort is always to work on a subject which can address the burning issues of my society. An Artist himself should be a brand ambassador to bring positive change in the society. He has to be a role model in the society.

  1. What message would you like to convey to the youth of Kashmir who aspire to pursue careers in the arts and culture sector?

Ans: Whosoever is interested in joining theatre, television or films has to have the basic quality that is 'talent'. Other than talent he/she should possess the qualities of discipline, dedication and patience. Don’t expect success overnight. There are no shortcuts in any field. First check your aptitude that is very important. If you think and you are sure about the qualities mentioned above, Just plunge into it. You will achieve success for sure.

  1. Finally, what are your long-term goals and aspirations in the fields of acting, direction, and cultural activism? 


"Hazaaroon Khwahishein aisi ki har khwahish pe dum nikle

Bohut nikle mere armaan lekin phir bhi Kam nikle"

This Urdu couplet exactly expresses my feelings. You might be thinking that I have achieved so much but honestly speaking, I feel like that I have not done anything yet. I am just a beginner and I need to work more and more to satisfy my aspirations. 

I wish to do mega stage shows, big theatre festivals make good films, organize film festivals on a very large scale etc, etc. Because I strongly believe in :

"Sitaroon se aage jahaan aur bhi hain

Abhi ishq ke imtihaan aur bhi hain"


Mushtaaque Ali Ahmad Khan 

  • He has received more than two dozen prestigious awards & felicitations from Government & Non-Government organizations, the prominent amongst those are:

He received Award of Best Theatre Practitioner of the year. The award was presented by Sh. Bharat Singh Manhas, Secretary J&K Academy of Art Culture & Languages (1st June 2023).

Mushtaaque Ali Ahmad Khan 4For his contribution as an Activist of 'Performing Arts', he was bestowed upon with 'LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD' by Hon'ble Lt. Governor of J&K, Sh. Manoj Sinha, at Srinagar (25th Oct. 2022)

He was ‘FELICITATED’ by ‘Sarhad’, a Pune based organization, for successfully organizing film festivals in Kashmir. The award was presented by Pran Kishore and Dr. Shah Faisal at Pune (30th Jan. 2019).

He received ‘AWARD OF HONOUR’ for his services in the field of Theatre and Filmmaking by ‘All Artists Welfare Association Jammu’, presented by State President BJP Sh. Sat Sharma, at Jammu (22nd Dec. 2016).

Short Film ‘SULA MOUT’ directed by him was ‘AWARDED’ by J&K Academy of Art, Culture & Languages. The award was presented by the Speaker of the State Legislative Assembly Sh. Kavinder Gupta, at Srinagar (12th Oct. 2015). 

He received ‘AWAAZ AWARD’ for his contribution in the field of ‘Theatre, Radio & Television’, from Hon’ble Governor of J&K, Sh. N. N. Vohra, at SKICC, Srinagar (20th Jan. 2014).

He received ‘ATHWAS AWARD’ for his contribution in the field of 'Theatre, Radio & Television'.The award was presented by Hon’ble Minister of J&K State, Mr. Ali Mohammad Sagar, at Jammu (April 2011).

The films ‘Ek afsana chaman ka’ and ‘Tresh Ta Tarpan’, produced and directed by him got ‘2ND BEST PRODUCTION’ and ‘CONSOLATION AWARD’ respectively, in the first Film Festival / Competition of J&K Academy of Art, Culture & Languages, presented by Hon’ble Home Minister of J&K State, Mr. Nasir Aslam Wani at Jammu (March 2010).

Mushtaaque Ali Ahmad Khan 3He received ‘AWARD OF EXCELLENCE’ for his contribution in TV & Theatre from 'Travel Agents Association of Kashmir' (TAAK), presented by Hon’ble Tourism Minister of J&K State, Mr. Nawang Rigzin Jora, at Srinagar (Oct. 2009).

He received ‘BEST DIRECTION’ and ‘BEST SET DESIGNER’ awards for the stage play ‘Taqdeer saaz’ In the theatre festival of J&K Academy of Art, Culture & Languages. The awards were presented by Hon'ble Chief Secretary, Sh. Vijay Bakaya (25th May 2009).

He received ‘ACADEMY'S SPECIAL PRIZE OF BEST DIRECTION’ and ‘BEST SET DESIGNER’ for the stage play ‘EK POTLI ARMANOON KI’ in the theatre festival of J&K Academy of Art, Culture & Languages. The awards were presented by Hon’ble Union Minister Sh. Saif ud Din Soz, at Srinagar (2006 - 07).

He received award of ‘BEST SET DESIGNER’ for the play ‘Jheel Bula Rahi Hai’ in Doordarshan Srinagar’s Theatre Festival. The play which was directed by him was also awarded ‘3RD BEST PRODUCTION’. These awards were presented by Hon'ble Governor of J&K State, Gen. S. K. Sinha, at Srinagar (2005).

He received award of ‘BEST ACTOR’ for acting in the stage play ‘Bhoma’ by J&K Academy of Art, Culture & Languages, at Srinagar (1986).

He received ‘SPECIAL PRIZE’ for acting in the stage play ‘Juloos’ by J&K Academy of Art, Culture & Languages, at Srinagar (1983).

Mushtaaque Ali Ahmad Khan 5

  • Other significant achievements which he has to his credit include: 

The ‘SENIOR FELLOWSHIP’ was awarded to him in the field of Folk Theatre for a period of two years by Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India (2009 - 2011).

He was very active in the cultural activities during his post-graduation he became the ‘SECRETARY’ of the Cultural Club of Kashmir University (1981).

  • Educational / Professional qualifications:

He is Post-Graduate from Kashmir University. He has also done two short courses, one is ‘Film Appreciation Course’, held under the joint auspices of NFAI (National Film Archives of India) &FTII (Film and Television Institute of India) in Pune (1997) and the other one is ‘Basic Videography Course’ held at FTII (Film and Television Institute of India) in Pune (2006).

  • Positions held: 

He is working as 'Creative Director' of one of the oldest and largest organizations of Kashmir named 'Actors’ Creative Theatre' (ACT), since 1983. The organization was established in 1976 and is actively working in the fields of Theatre, Music, Films and Literature.

He worked for two years (2018 - 2019) as 'Consultant' of North Zone Cultural Centre (NZCC), Patiala, at its Srinagar sub office. In this period, he worked very hard and conducted dozens of different kinds of programs of Performing Arts and Fine Arts.

He was a member of the Sub Advisory Committee for Drama of J&K Academy of Art, Culture and Languages for 5 years (2014 to 2019).

  • Experience of being an expert / jury member: 

He is in the panel of Experts / Member of Jury, of the institutions / organizations including, J&K Academy of Art, Culture and Languages, North Zone Cultural Centre (Patiala), Song and Drama Division (New Delhi), All India Radio (Srinagar) and other prestigious organizations (since 2006).

  • He is acting in theatre sine 1980: 

Since 1980, he has been doing leading roles in ‘more than three dozen plays’ in Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi and Kashmiri (performed in Srinagar, Jammu, Allahabad and other towns and cities).

  • He has been directing stage plays since 2005: 

So far he has directed ‘more than two dozen stage plays’ in Kashmiri & Urdu.

  • He conducted 4 (four) theatre workshops and dozens of seminars & conferences: 

He has conducted several production oriented theatre workshops, in 2009 and in 2012 at Srinagar, in 2014 under IGSSS (an international NGO), at Khanpeth, Baramulla and a 3 weeks Theatre Workshop in Feb. / Mar. 2023, at Srinagar.

  • He has organized 5 (five) theatre / cultural festivals: 

As Festival Director, he has organized 2 seasons of ‘Spring Theatre Festivals’ (in 2016 & 2022) and 2 seasons of Youth Festival titled ‘Istaqbaal e Chila e Kalaan’ (in 2020 & 2021).

  • He has been working in Radio since 1975: 

He is an approved Drama Voice, of Akashvani (All India Radio) and has participated in more than hundred Radio plays, dozens of Radio Series and features. He is also an approved anchor and Newscaster of Akashvani (All India Radio) and has been working for Radio for the last 47 years. He has directed about one dozen serials and features for Akashvani (All India Radio).

  • He has been working for television and filmmaking since 1974: 

He started acting in Television when he was a kid. He is an 'A' grade Drama Artist of Doordarshan and has done lead roles in ‘more than three dozen Tele – plays, two dozen Tele-films and more than one dozen Kashmiri and Urdu serials’. Besides being an accomplished Actor, he is an Empanelled Producer & Director of Doordarshan (since 1988) and has also worked for J&K Tourism Deptt., J&K Deptt. of Excise & Taxation and UGC (University Grants Commission) and has to his credit, about four dozen documentary films, one dozen Tele-films, more than four hundred (400) episodes of more than three dozen Serials and half a dozen short films.

  • He has organized 5 (five) film festivals since 2017: 

He has organized 4 (four) editions of ‘Kashmir World Film Festival’ since July 2017, at Srinagar Kashmir and 1 (One) edition of the SARHAD’s J&K International Film Festival at Pune (Maharashtra), in the capacity of Curator & Festival Director.

  • Memberships: 

He is member of Kashmir Chamber of Commerce and Industries, Srinagar.

He is a member of Assocham, New Delhi.

He is President of Theatre Federation of Kashmir.

He is also associated with other prestigious Associations and Clubs.

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