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Indu Kanwal ChibEXCLUSIVE INTERVIEWJAMMU: Mission Director of Jammu Kashmir Rural Livelihood Mission (JKRLM), Indu Kanwal Chib (JKAS) highlighted several key initiatives and challenges faced by the mission in empowering rural communities, particularly the Seasonal Migratory House Holds (SMHHs). In an exclusive online interview conducted by Ajmer Alam Wani, Editor-in-Chief of JK Monitor (www.jkmonitor.org), Chib revealed that while JKRLM has made significant strides in its efforts to extend the benefits of various programs to disadvantaged groups, such as SMHHs, there are still hurdles to overcome.

A major breakthrough for JKRLM has been its entry into e-Commerce platforms like Amazon, Meesho, Flipkart, and GeM (Government e-Marketplace). This move has provided a high-level exposure for Self-Help Group (SHG) members associated with the mission, empowering them with opportunities to showcase their products on a national and even global scale. Additionally, Chib emphasized that JKRLM has been focusing on developing the skills of SHG members through capacity building and training programs conducted in collaboration with various institutions such as Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs), Rural Self Employment Training Institutes (RSETIs), National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD), Skill Development Department, and others.

The core mission of JKRLM (Umeed) is to encourage self-employment among rural communities, and this objective has been successfully pursued through collaborations with various government departments and organizations. JKRLM has joined hands with the Department of Animal Husbandry, J&K Bank, Airports Authority of India (AAI), Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), Meesho, OYO, and others to create diverse opportunities for self-employment.

A remarkable aspect of JKRLM's approach is its commitment to social inclusion. From the initial stages of the program, the mission has focused on mobilizing rural women and ensuring their access to financial inclusion, livelihood support, and other resources. In the process of federating women into SHGs, the mission encourages the formation of heterogeneous groups comprising women from different scheduled categories, thus fostering a sense of unity and solidarity among diverse communities.

Chib further elaborated on the Village Poverty Reduction Plan (VPRP), which serves as a sub-component of the Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP). This plan encompasses entitlements, livelihoods, public good services, and resource development, and it plays a crucial role in uplifting rural communities by addressing their unique needs and challenges.

Promoting women's participation and empowerment has been a priority for JKRLM. To enhance the livelihood opportunities and income of SHG members, the mission has initiated various endeavors. These include establishing market outlets for SHG products, supporting micro-enterprises for sustainable rural economic development, facilitating marketing assistance to SHGs through connections with bulk suppliers and wholesalers, and exploring alternative employment opportunities for group members.

As JKRLM continues to break new ground in its efforts to uplift rural communities, Indu Kanwal Chib's leadership and dedication to the mission's mandate remain instrumental in driving positive change and creating a more inclusive and empowered rural landscape in Jammu and Kashmir.

For the detailed interview, read below questions and answers till end:-

  1. As the Mission Director of Jammu Kashmir Rural Livelihood Mission (JKRLM), what key strategies would you employ to address the unique challenges faced by rural communities in the region?

Ans: As MD, I would focus on below areas to address the unique challenges being faced by community as only limited Physical Market linkages were available which was a challenge:-

  • Market Linkage for the Products made by Self Help Group Members.
  • Convergence with other departments and partnerships in the field of marketing.
  • Women were not oriented as entrepreneurs/business women.
  • In developing the quality product and proper packaging and branding of the products.
  • Interventions with respect to livelihoods (2 farm based and 1 non-farm-based livelihoods in each associated house-hold)
  1. How would you prioritize the allocation of resources within JKRLM to ensure maximum impact and sustainability in poverty reduction efforts?

Ans: Would prioritize the allocation of resource within organization for maximum impact and  sustainability in poverty reduction efforts.

  • Easy Market now made available at the district level.
  • JKRLM has now entered e-Commerce Platforms like AMAZON, MEESHO, FLIPKART, GeM etc.
  • District Rural Haats, AVSAR Scheme (Airport Stalls), UMEED Women Haat at Divisional Level and Kashmir/Jammu HAATS at Industrial Estates.
  1. What measures would you take to promote the participation and empowerment of women in rural livelihood initiatives, and how would you ensure their inclusion in decision-making processes?

Ans: I would take following initiatives to promote the participation and empowerment of women in rural livelihood initiatives and ensure their inclusion in decision-making processes

  • To establish market outlet for the products produced by members of various SHGs to ensure better livelihood opportunity and enhancement of their income.
  • To promote micro enterprises for the sustainable development of rural economics.
  • To ensure marketing support to the SHGs to establish contact with bulk suppliers and wholesalers from the concerned districts.
  • To explore and sustain alternative employment opportunities of group members and scale up micro enterprise activities
  1. JKRLM aims to promote entrepreneurship and self-employment opportunities in rural areas. Can you outline some innovative and sustainable models you would introduce to achieve this goal?

Ans: Few innovative models JKRLM has adapted in recent past to promote entrepreneurship and self-employment opportunities in rural areas are given below: -

  • JKRLM has now entered e-Commerce Platforms like AMAZON, MEESHO, FLIPKART, GeM etc. District Rural Haats,
  • AVSAR Scheme (Airport Stalls), UMEED Women Haat at Divisional Level and Kashmir/Jammu HAATS at Industrial Estates.
  • The Capacity building conducted by MoRD, NIRD, Skill development Department, MEESHOs, Institute of Hotel Management, Food Craft Institute, Grass-Root Innovation Augmentation network.
  • Participation in G20 Summit, Srinagar,
  • SARAS Jammu and SARAS Srinagar for the first time have served as a high-level exposure for the Self-Help Group Members.
  1. Monitoring and evaluation are critical aspects of any development program. How would you design an effective monitoring and evaluation framework for JKRLM, and how would you utilize the data collected to inform program improvements?

Ans: Monitoring and evaluation are without a doubt the critical aspects of any development program and UMEED Scheme does have a MIS Portal on which the progress is monitored. Besides Mission also holds regular review meetings in which the achievements or otherwise is discussed one to one with the field staff. In addition, the respective AMDs have been directed to conduct monitoring at district and block level.

  1. What steps would you take to enhance the financial inclusion of rural communities, particularly in remote areas, and provide them with access to affordable credit and financial services?

Ans: Mission has employed a vast cadre among SHG members by the name of Bank Sakhis and Bank Mitra who are there to ensure that SHG Members are taken into Financial Inclusion vis a vis Opening of bank Account, inhabiting regular Savings, maintaining internal lending among Group Members, enrollment in social security schemes, ensuring hassle free Credit Linkage facilities to SHG Members. Mission has also employed Digipay Sakhis among the cadre who take the banking facilities to the doorsteps of SHG Members.

  1. Climate change poses significant challenges to rural livelihoods. How would you integrate climate resilience and adaptation strategies into the work of JKRLM, especially considering the vulnerability of the region to natural disasters and ecological shifts?

Ans: See if we talk about J&K as a whole I believe that climate based challenges are part of our daily lives but JKRLM gives hope to my women that they can work from home in all kinds of adversities. Especially those working with product development as we not only give them credit through our team of Digipay Sakhies but also handhold them for marketing by conducting Haats, and online sales.

  1. One of the key objectives of JKRLM is to improve the skill development and employability of rural youth. How would you ensure the relevance and quality of the training programs offered, and how would you facilitate their transition into gainful employment?

Ans: JKRLM is playing great role in developing the skills of SHG members associated. The Capacity building/ training programs are conducted through KVKs, RSETIs, NIRD, Skill development Department, MEESHOs, Institute of Hotel Management, Food Craft Institute etc. JKRLM (Umeed) encourages self-employment which is the mandate of Mission.

  1. What measures would you take to enhance the market linkages and value chains for rural products, ensuring that farmers and artisans receive fair prices for their goods?

Ans: JKRLM has ensured that easy Market now made available at the district level. JKRLM has now entered e-Commerce Platforms like AMAZON, MEESHO, FLIPKART, GeM etc. District Rural Haats , AVSAR Scheme (Airport Stalls), UMEED Women Haat at Divisional Level and Kashmir/Jammu HAATS at Industrial Estates, space in Souvenir shop at LBSNAA, Mussoorie, Space at SARAS Gallery New Delhi . Participation in G20 Summit, Srinagar, SARAS Jammu and SARAS Srinagar for the first time has served as a high-level exposure for the Self-Help Group Members.

  1. The sustainability of rural livelihood initiatives is crucial for their long-term impact. Can you outline your approach to building partnerships with stakeholders, including government agencies, civil society organizations, and private sector entities, to promote collaboration and resource sharing?

Ans: It is deemed that without building partnerships and collaborations it is difficult to change the dynamics and impact in longer run. In different verticals JKRLM is working upon needs various expertise and partnerships which will help Mission for long-term impact. In this regard;

Mission has collaborated with various institution/ government departments with specific to the themes like Farm, Non-farm & Financial inclusion. To name some JKRLM has collaborated with Department of Animal Husbandry, Skill development department, J&K bank, AAI, EDII, MEESHO, OYO etc. Would like to mention that we have explored to the level that our SHG members are running canteen in different government offices wherein the space was provided by the departments.

  1. The digital divide can hinder the participation of rural communities in various sectors. How would you bridge this divide and ensure equitable access to digital technologies and information for all beneficiaries of JKRLM?

Ans: In order to provide basic banking services in rural areas of UT of J&K Jammu Kashmir Rural Livelihoods Mission (JKRLM) in collaboration with J&K Bank took a historic decision of engaging women Self Help Groups members in the banking sector as Business Correspondent (BCs) for last mile delivery of banking services in unbanked & under-banked areas of UT of J&K.

  1. In your opinion, what are the key indicators of success for JKRLM, and how would you measure and track progress towards achieving these goals?


Key Indicators:-

  1. Development and capacity building of Community cadres under different themes which provides last mile support to the rural women at their places.
  2. Funds provided by the Mission to the SHG members is not provided as a grant but, as a loan which remains as a corpus within the hierarchy of CBOs with the community. The women can easily access the funds and invest in their existing or new livelihoods.
  3. In sequel of events rural women who want to enhance their livelihoods are credit linked with various banks. The credit provided by the banks gets incrementally enhanced as the SHG members repay their loan amount.

To oversee and track the progress defined MIS has been developed at UT and National level for various intervention of JKRLM.

  1. JKRLM aims to promote social inclusion and reduce disparities among marginalized groups. How would you ensure that the needs and aspirations of socially excluded communities, such as Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and minorities, are adequately addressed in program design and implementation?

Ans: From the onset of program JKRLM has been focusing on social inclusion. Right from Social Mobilization of rural women to availing of benefits under Financial Inclusion, Livelihoods support, convergence etc. the JKRLM does not discriminate the rual women.

During federation of women into SHGs the women are encouraged to be part of heterogeneous groups which consist of women from different scheduled categories. In addition, the rural women have been trained on VPRP (Village Poverty Reduction Plan) which consists of entitlement, livelihoods, public good services and resource development plan. VPRP intern serves as a sub component of GPDP (Gram Panchayat Development Plan).

  1. Leadership plays a crucial role in driving organizational change and inspiring teams. Can you share a specific example of how you have demonstrated effective leadership in a complex and challenging development context?

Ans: Good leadership begets a strong teamwork and planning. From the day one, I am facilitating programme discussions and planning amongst my team. As they discuss and plan together, the more cohesiveness in planning and concerted efforts are being seen from my team. Which further feeds into good organizational change and highly motivated teams?

  1. JKRLM operates in a resource-constrained environment. How would you leverage external funding sources and mobilize additional resources to expand the reach and impact of the mission's programs?

Ans: As Mission is providing capitalization funds to the SHGs and bank linkage (credit facility) from various banks in UT of J&K. We also facilitate enterprise financing and are convergence with other departments to leverage the funding resources and reach to the rural community.

  1. Accountability and transparency are essential for building trust among stakeholders. How would you ensure that JKRLM maintains high standards of accountability and transparency in its operations and financial management?

Ans: Accountability and transparency is strengthened when we have strong democratic institutions. Mission slowly but surely strengthens, say of the hierarchy of CBOs (SHGs/VOs/CLFs) and developing them into strong local units’ democratic institutions, which in-turn ensures accountability and transparency.

The programme implemented by JKRLM is designed in such a way that eventually the community has more stakes in the programme. In a span of 2-3 years, the community takes full ownership of their affairs. The Mission handholds them, through a team of dedicated community cadres, whom are identified amongst the community itself.

  1. Jammu Kashmir has diverse cultural and geographical landscapes. How would you ensure that the programs and interventions implemented by JKRLM are tailored to meet the specific needs and realities of different regions within the UT?

Ans: Across each block the Mission has its dedicated human resource which ensures program implementation at block level irrespective of different diversities. However, one of the challenges which Mission is not able to cater to are the Seasonal Migratory House Holds. Mission is working on special project for the said category to extend the benefits of the different programs of JKRLM.

  1. As the Mission Director, you would be responsible for managing a diverse team of professionals. How would you promote a culture of innovation, collaboration, and continuous learning within the organization?

Ans: The program activities have been designed in a such a manner that each thematic vertical focus on the diverse interventions with specific team of professionals likewise IBCB (Institution Building and Capacity Building), Financial Inclusion, Farm and Non-Farm Livelihoods, SISD (Social Inclusion and Social Development), FNHW (Food, Nutrition, Hygiene & Wash) etc.

  1. Can you share an example of a challenging situation you have faced in your career, how you approached it, and what you learned from it?

Ans: One was when as DC Reasi, one Panchayat wanted to not cast their votes as some of their demands were not met and that Panchayat was quite high on the mountains totally unreachable. I promised to visit them if they vote without realising that it is geographically totally cut off. But it was a learning too.

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