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EXCLUSIVE INTRVIEW WHITDr. Neha Kala DelhiJAMMU: A renowned entrepreneur and dedicated social worker hailing from Delhi, Dr. Neha Kala, in an exclusive interview with Editor-in-Chief of JK Monitor (www.jkmonitor.org) Ajmer Alam Wani, opens up about her life as a beautiful journey filled with ups and downs. Describing it as a concoction of immediate happiness and pitfalls, Dr. Kala shares her unique perspective on the challenges and rewards of being an entrepreneur while maintaining a parallel focus on soul satisfaction.

Contrary to popular belief, Dr. Neha Kala emphasizes that being an entrepreneur is not solely about comfort and financial freedom. In her case, running a consulting firm alongside her social work endeavors brings her a remarkable sense of satisfaction, comfort, and motivation. She firmly believes that we are all souls inhabiting different bodies, with diverse physical characteristics and assigned tasks. Driven by this philosophy, she integrates her spiritual outlook into her work, championing gender sanitization rather than discrimination.

Dr. Kala has been instrumental in establishing the We Welfare Society, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting positive thoughts and actions. While the society has made significant progress toward its objectives, she humbly acknowledges that there is still much work to be done. She eagerly anticipates substantial accomplishments that can be tangibly documented. Thus far, the society has actively organized numerous donation drives focusing on clothing, sanitization, equality, and education. Additionally, they have been actively supporting an orphanage and have ambitions to establish their own orphanage in the near future.

Reflecting on her achievements, Dr. Kala expresses her gratitude for the accolades she has received. She cherishes the felicitations she has received thus far but eagerly looks forward to more. As a team, they have plans in the pipeline, and Dr. Kala believes that time will unveil the reality of their ventures and initiatives. Confident in their potential, she envisions a promising future for her endeavors, anticipating that they will soon reach greater heights.

Dr. Neha Kala's unwavering dedication to her consulting firm, social work, and her holistic approach to life make her an inspirational figure in the entrepreneurial and social activism spheres. Her thoughtful insights and unwavering commitment to making a positive impact serve as a testament to her character and vision. As the coming time unfolds, the world eagerly awaits the realization of Dr. Neha Kala's aspirations and the positive changes she and her team will bring forth.

The detailed interview is as below:-

  1. Can you share your journey as an entrepreneur and social worker, highlighting the key milestones and challenges you faced along the way?

Revert: - A beautiful Journey loaded with loads and loads of Ups and Downs, a cocktail along with a sandwich of Immediate Happiness and Pitfalls, is what I call my Journey. Being an Entrepreneur sounds like someone with loads of comfort and financial freedom, however both of the terms oppose, however having a Consulting firm and parallel doing tasks for the SOUL SATISFACTION is amazingly soul satisfying and this combination gives you satisfaction, comfort and motivation.

  1. With your impressive educational background, including double Masters from IMT, Doctorate from two different universities, could you explain the motivation behind pursuing two separate doctoral degrees and how they have complemented each other in shaping your expertise and research focus? Could you share a specific project or research study that you worked on during your time there and discuss its impact or significance in your field?

Revert: - Oh! For me having 2 MBA’s and then 2 Doctorates are all about gaining expertise into various domains, which eventually helped me to grow in the journey called Life. First Masters was merely a Quickly made decision as Bachelors was into Art and Humanities so eventually did it into Business and Human Resources and 2nd has been extremely close to my Life which is Reading people “Psychology”. Both the Doctorates were bestowed upon me for my contribution towards Education and Social Services. 

  1. How do you manage to balance your various projects, such as Conviction Consulting, your NGO, print magazines, coffee table book, and holistic platform? What strategies do you employ to ensure their success?

Revert :- I,  go extremely slow and I am in core acceptance of “Going and Growing Slow “  and this stable headset helped me grow gradually and have stabilised myself to its core, gradually have earthed me to my roots. Adding each entity after a certain time frame has massively helped each of our project/s reach its own heights Naturally & Organically. 

  1. Could you provide insights into your approach to gender equality and male empowerment? How do you incorporate these principles into your various ventures and initiatives?

Revert:- For me, we all are souls wrapped in different Bodies, Shapes, Biological configuration etc. and have been allocated with our own set of tasks and there is nothing more or less then this and I implement the same theory and pattern into my work.. I believe in GENDER SANITISATION and not Discrimination.

  1. As the founder and editor of The Red Velvet Column and The Fact Teller, what criteria do you follow to select and publish content? How do you ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information presented?

Revert :-  This is a beautiful question as these two projects are close to my heart, being an ardent reader I always wanted to have some Literature holding specialty of certain domains so birthed The Red Velvet Column keeping my focus on “Luxury & Lifestyle” and The Fact Teller on “Holistic-Occult and Wellness”. We aim to publish the relevant as well as authentic content via both of our Publications & our well Equipped Team does Proof reading of each bit of our PENNED Content.

  1. Tell us more about your NGO, We Welfare Society. What specific programs or initiatives does it undertake to support children and the elderly? How has it made a positive impact on their lives?

Revert:- We Welfare Society, is initiated with the aim of having and spreading many Positive thoughts and we did Quite a Few on the objectives of the same however I feel, I still LACK to do what I aim.. So, I feel let’s wait for something substantial to come up which can be printed. So far we have actively done many Donation Drives aiming Clothing, Sanitisation, Equality, Education and many more. Have been actively supporting an Orphanage as well as Orphanage Home. We aim to have one of our own in the near Future. 

  1. What inspired you to establish “The Humanity Excellence Award”, and how has it contributed to the betterment of society? Can you share some examples of recipients and their notable achievements?

Revert:- In the passage while doing activities for the Society betterment, the realisation towards appreciating others popped up and birthed “The  Humanity Excellence Award”, which aims to serve the ones who have been active in serving Humanity. 

  1. As the organizer of A Networking Trail, how do you facilitate networking opportunities for individuals? What unique features or activities does this platform offer to enhance networking experiences?

Revert: - We believe in connecting the dots hence this entity came into existence and one after 2nd both the Editions were done successfully and we will do the Edition-3 soon. This platform gives the breakthrough to many people who are yet to come in this competitive market confidently. In the areas where survival is a task we thought of “Connecting People”.

  1. Could you elaborate on the “National Summit on Holistic Sciences and Wellness “and the Karmic Awards? What is the purpose of these events, and how do they promote holistic-occult knowledge and wellness practices?

Revert:- Holistic, Occult and Wellness have been close to my heart, when I launched Magazine (The Fact Teller) and then Online Platform (Dial Ganesha) this was somewhere in the pipeline of my thoughts, though I wanted to go slow and establish the 2 projects with time. After seeing the massive success in both started to raise NS as we have been running “The Fact Teller” & “Dial Ganesha (www.dialganesha.com), so to promote the ones trusting us for their “Wing Spread”, National Summit on Holistic Sciences and Wellness was launched way back in 2020. Being a Yearly Event we gain massive repute and whose-who from the Industry wants to use this Podium to spread the relevant Knowledge. 

  1. With over 400+ felicitations/awards, which one holds the most significant meaning to you personally? What accomplishments or qualities do you believe led to the recognition of these accolades?

Revert:-  When you work, You definitely gain some Applaud and we call them Felicitations, I am extremely glad to be owning these many however I am still looking at many more as we (felicitous and Me) Cherish each other .

  1. How do you envision the future of your ventures and initiatives? Are there any upcoming projects or goals that you would like to share with us?

Revert: - We as a team have plans and let Coming Time unfold the same and bring Reality and not the Perception of Ventures/initiatives. I am sure we will go Big soon! More about me is elaborated via www.drnehakala.com

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