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EXCLUSIVE INTRVIEW WHITDr Ashiq Hussain 3JAMMU: In an exclusive online interview conducted by Ajmer Alam Wani, Editor-in-Chief of JK Monitor (www.jkmonitor.org) , Dr. Ashaq Hussain, an Associate Professor and Nodal Officer at the Government Degree College Chatroo in Kishtwar, shared his insights and expertise on science education and waste management. With a remarkable academic background, including a Ph.D. in Chemistry and authorship of 18 research papers, 9 books, and over 300 articles in newspapers and magazines, Dr. Ashaq Hussain is driven by a passion for his subject and a desire to share knowledge beyond the confines of his classroom.

Dr. Ashaq Hussain's journey as an educator began in 2002 when he started teaching students at various levels, from primary to high school. Throughout his career, he taught multiple subjects and eventually focused on Chemistry, even teaching it at the 10+2 level at GHSS Kilhotran. As an Assistant Professor in the Higher Education Department since 2007, he has continuously strived to create a positive learning environment, promote student engagement, and foster critical thinking skills through problem-solving techniques and advanced lesson plans.

His dedication to teaching extends beyond Chemistry, as he actively incorporates interactive, activity-based teaching methods into other subjects like physics, biology, and mathematics.

Dr. Ashaq Hussain's commitment to science education led him to collaborate with Vigyan Prasar, a Department of Science and Technology initiative. He has conducted numerous workshops nationwide, imparting scientific knowledge and concepts to teachers. These workshops focus on enhancing teaching techniques, improving understanding of science, and developing higher-order thinking skills among educators and students alike.

By organizing these workshops, Dr. Ashaq Hussain aims to foster a scientific temperament among students, teachers, and society in general, contributing to the overall growth of the scientific community.

Apart from his expertise in science education, Dr. Ashaq Hussain has also turned his attention to a pressing issue in his community—solid waste management. Despite the presence of designated collection points and regular waste collection in Kishtwar town, piles of solid waste can still be seen scattered throughout the area. Dr. Ashaq Hussain attributes this problem to a lack of awareness and education among the general public regarding proper waste management practices, as well as illegal dumping and limited disposal space.

To address these challenges, Dr. Ashaq Hussain emphasizes the importance of community engagement and awareness. By creating awareness about the negative impacts of improper waste disposal, such as pollution, health hazards, and environmental degradation, individuals are more likely to adopt responsible waste management practices. Community engagement and awareness empower people to take responsibility for their waste, change their behavior, and actively contribute to cleaner and more sustainable communities.

In closing, Dr. Ashaq Hussain shares valuable advice for those who aspire to make a positive impact in any field. He emphasizes the importance of building a strong understanding of the fundamental principles and investing time in mastering the basics. By deepening their understanding through activities and continuous learning, individuals can establish a solid foundation for further growth, innovation, and achievement of their goals.

Dr. Ashaq Hussain's dedication to science education and waste management awareness exemplifies his commitment to creating a better future for his students, community, and society as a whole. Through his extensive knowledge and unwavering passion, he continues to inspire and make a difference in the lives of those he interacts with, leaving a lasting impact on education and environmental consciousness.

The detailed interview with insightful answers is as below:-

  1. Can you tell us about your teaching experience at the undergraduate and secondary levels? What subjects have you taught, and how have you contributed to the academic development of students during your tenure?

Ans: I started my teaching carrier as a teacher in 2002 and as such got an opportunity to work with different students from primary level to high school level where I got an opportunity to teach multiple subjects and later I was deployed to teach Chemistry at GHSS Kilhotran thus got a chance to explore basic chemistry even at 10+2 level. In 2007 I joined as Assistant Professor in Higher Education Department thereby managed to share and gain more about Chemistry. During this journey in every class room I tried to create positive learning environment, promoting student engagement, foster critical thinking by problem-solving skills, developing advance lesson plans thereby design curriculum materials accordingly, and employing various teaching strategies like facilitating discussions and encouraging active participation, enabling students to explore ideas in order to develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

  1. As an Associate Professor of Chemistry, what are your primary responsibilities in the Department of Higher Education, Government of Jammu and Kashmir? How do you ensure the effective delivery of chemistry education to students?

Ans: Off course the primary responsibility is Teaching, Delivering lectures, conducting laboratory sessions, and facilitating my students to achieve their desired goals in education. Although at present I am not inside class room, but whenever I was in between students my method of delivery used to be active learning techniques, such as demonstrations, experiments, and discussions, to make the subject more interactive and promote student engagement and participation. Utilizing educational technology tools, such as virtual simulations, Encouraging student questions, facilitating discussions, and providing opportunities for collaborative learning consider some of my teaching, delivering strengths.

  1. With 18 research papers, 9 books, and over 300 articles published, could you highlight some of your most significant contributions to the field of chemistry? What motivated you to pursue research and writing alongside your teaching career?

Ans: I think for a teacher the learning process never ends and so is with me. As a learner and as an educator whenever I come across some problem, or burning issue or the important days of national or international importance, I get an insight of thinking and writing thereby managed to publish hundreds of articles in different news papers and magazines. But being a chemistry student I mostly focus more and more on science especially chemistry as such managed to publish few books and research papers in the subject which I consider my significant contribution towards my responsibility being a chemistry student. As for the motivations behind pursuing research and writing alongside teaching careers is considered I think they are multifaceted and often rooted in a passion for knowledge, intellectual stimulation, desire for contribution, impact and influence, personal growth, and fulfillment of satisfaction being the teacher and learner.

  1. As a Resource Person on Hands-on Chemistry associated with Vigyan Prasar, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, could you tell us about your role and the workshops you have organized for teachers and students? How has this engagement helped promote scientific learning?

Ans: My love towards learning, teaching science and the demand of interactive, activity based teaching of present time boosted me to opt for various hands on activities not only in chemistry but in physics, biology and even in mathematics. This passion became instrumental in associating with Vigyan Prasar or Department of Science and Technology and such managed to deliver and communicate science and scientific concepts in dozens of workshops across nation. These workshops acquaint teachers with new techniques of delivering and engaging concepts in Science effectively thereby improve understanding of science in order to develop higher order thinking skills.

  1. Being a member of the Chemistry Olympiad Examination Board at the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE), TIFR, Mumbai, what are your responsibilities in evaluating and selecting participants for the Chemistry Olympiad? How do you assess and nurture young talent in the field of chemistry?

Ans: Chemistry Olympiad is an annual competition for the world's most talented chemistry students at the secondary school level. There are set of rules to assess talent in the Chemistry Olympiad that typically involves a combination of written examinations, practical experiments, and problem-solving activities and in previous years HBCSE, TIFR Mumbai provided me this opportunity to explore more in this field too.

  1. You have been involved in various events of the National Children Science Congress (NCSC) as Chairman/Organizing Secretary since 2012. Can you elaborate on your experiences and contributions to this program? How does it promote scientific thinking among children?

Ans: National Children science congress is a flagship program of Department of science and technology a platform for budding child scientists to exhibit creativity and innovativeness, more particularly to solve a societal problem experienced locally using methods of science. NCURDS a Jammu based registered NGO is instrumental in implementing this program in Jammu region where I got an opportunity to associate with this program and thereby started my journey from a District Coordinator, Guide Teacher, organizer and finally as evaluator at National Level.  The NCSC is instrumental in stimulating the young minds to pursue their natural curiosity and to quench their thirst for creativity enhancing scientific temperament, learning the scientific methodology, scientific observation, scientific data collection, experiment analysis and finally the scientific solution to local problems so that they can choose their carrier in science and thereby visualizing the scientific future of the nation to help building a generation of sensitive and responsible citizens.

  1. In your role as a Coordinator at the Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) Study Centre and Assistant Coordinator at the Indira Gandhi National Urdu University (IGNOU) Study Centre, how have you facilitated the promotion of Urdu medium education in your region? What challenges have you faced, and how have you overcome them?

Ans: As for assignment of coordinator or assistant coordinator are considered these are part time assignments assigned by the head of the institution to help students/learners who are unable to pursue regular education. While I was holding these assignments I tried my best to reach out all those students who were eager to enroll themselves in different programs offered by these universities. Yes, being associated with MANUU I got inclined towards Urdu again which I had left after passing my 10th standard examination and the bond became so strong that I was able to publish a book in Urdu “Qudrat ki khooj Been” with Vigyan Prasar and also published a number of articles in various Urdu magazines and news papers thereby contributed a little more to serve Urdu.

  1. As a Science Communicator associated with Vigyan Prasar, NCSTC, and DST, Government of India, what methods and strategies do you employ to effectively communicate scientific concepts to diverse audiences? How important is science communication in today's world?

Ans: Hands-on Experiments, Visual Aids, Interactive Discussions, Multimedia Resources, Storytelling, conceptualization are some of the strategies which I usually use in communicating scientific concepts to my audience. By adopting these techniques, educators can foster effective science communication in the classroom, making science more accessible, enjoyable, and relatable for students, ultimately inspiring a lifelong passion for scientific exploration. Present age is an age of science and technology and as such science communication is equally important as unless it is not communicated it cannot be practiced.

  1. Could you share your experiences as an evaluator for the National Children Science Congress and other science-related events? What criteria do you use to evaluate scientific projects and ensure fair judgment?

Ans: As an evaluator at the National Children Science Congress, I have got the opportunity to witness the incredible scientific talents and innovative ideas of young minds. Overall, the experience as an evaluator at the National Children Science Congress is incredibly rewarding. The dedication, knowledge, and creativity displayed by the students leave a lasting impression and gave a hope for a better future driven by scientific innovation. So, that’s why I always look forward to remain associated with this program. As for evaluation and judgment is considered again there are confirmed set of criteria and rules which one has to follow and consider for assessing and evaluating these project ideas of young scientists.

  1. You have organized numerous workshops and training programs for teachers and students on various scientific topics. What are the key objectives of these workshops, and how do they contribute to the professional development of participants?

Ans: The main objective of these workshops is to inculcate scientific temperament among students, teachers in particular and thereby to society in general. Science workshops play a crucial role in enhancing skills, expanding knowledge, fostering networking opportunities, providing valuable feedback, promoting multidisciplinary thinking, offering continuing education and certifications, and exposing professionals to best practices and resources. Continuous engagement in workshops enables individuals to stay current, develop professionally, and contribute effectively to their scientific fields.

  1. Your research publications cover diverse areas such as microwave-assisted synthesis, antimicrobial activities, solid waste management, and more. Can you discuss the significance of some of your recent publications and how they contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge?

Ans: It is a widely accepted fact that research publications enhance scientific knowledge by disseminating new findings, promoting reproducibility, building on existing knowledge, identifying knowledge gaps, facilitating collaboration and idea exchange in addition they form the backbone of scientific communication, fostering a continuous cycle of discovery, validation, and advancement in various fields of study and same is true with my research publications.

  1. As an author of textbooks and reference books in chemistry, what inspired you to write these publications? How do you ensure that your books meet the educational needs of students and provide comprehensive knowledge in the subject?

Ans: Being passionate about my subject, aware of the need, knowledge and understanding of the learners I feel inspired to share my expertise and insights with a wider audience, beyond my immediate classroom. Writing a book allows me to explore the subject matter in greater detail, provide explanations, examples, and practical applications that can benefit students, educators, and anyone interested in learning about chemistry.

  1. With your extensive experience in organizing industrial visits and science awareness melas, how do these initiatives contribute to bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world applications? Can you share any success stories or memorable moments from these events?

Ans: Industrial visits provide students with the opportunity to witness real-world applications of theoretical concepts they learn in the classroom. By visiting industries and observing various processes, students can see firsthand how scientific principles are put into practice. This experiential learning helps them understand the practical aspects, challenges, and applications of the theories they study. During industrial visits, students often have the chance to interact with industry professionals, scientists, and engineers.

This interaction allows them to ask questions, seek clarification, and gain insights into the practical aspects of their field of study. Moreover, such visits often expose students to cutting-edge technologies, innovations, and research in their field of study.

Science awareness melas on the other hand often incorporate hands-on activities, demonstrations, and experiments that allow students to actively engage with scientific concepts. By participating in these activities, students can apply their theoretical knowledge, gain practical skills, and experience the joy of scientific discovery. In short industrial visits and science awareness melas provide students with invaluable opportunities to connect theoretical knowledge with real-world applications. These experiences enhance their understanding, inspire curiosity, and motivate them to pursue careers in science and technology. By bridging the gap between theory and practice, these initiatives contribute to a well-rounded education and nurture the next generation of scientists and innovators.

  1. Can you provide an overview of the current state of solid waste management pollution in the Kishtwar district of Jammu and Kashmir? What are the key challenges and issues faced in this particular region?

Ans: I cannot elaborate much on the matter here, but what I observe at present in Kishtwar town is that although Kishtwar town have designated collection points or bins where residents can dispose of their waste. Garbage trucks or waste collection vehicles visit these collection points regularly to pick up the waste and transport it to the disposal site but still one can witness the heap of solid waste scattered here and there. Lack of Awareness and Education to general public about the importance of proper waste management practices coupled with illegal dumping and lack of enough space is the main reason for this which needs to be looked into.

  1. What specific strategies or initiatives have been implemented in Kishtwar to address solid waste management pollution? Could you highlight any successful practices or projects that have made a positive impact in the region?

Ans: As already said that Kishtwar town has designated collection points or bins where residents can dispose of their waste. Garbage trucks or waste collection vehicles visit these collection points regularly to pick up the waste and transport it to the disposal site. Moreover at present some waste segregation points, composting pits etc are also being put into action by District administration not only in the town but even at panchayat level which will definitely reduce the solid waste.

  1. How do you see the role of community engagement and awareness in combating solid waste management pollution in Kishtwar? What steps have been taken to involve the local population and what are the potential benefits of such involvement?

Ans: Community engagement helps in creating awareness among individuals about the importance of proper waste management practices. It informs them about the negative impacts of improper waste disposal, such as pollution, health hazards, and environmental degradation. By understanding the consequences, people are more likely to adopt responsible waste management practices. Thus, community engagement and awareness are crucial in combating solid waste management pollution. They empower individuals to take responsibility for their waste, change their behavior, and actively contribute to creating cleaner and more sustainable communities.

  1. As a scientist, educator, and mentor, what advice would you give to aspiring chemists and science educators who aim to make a positive impact in their field?

Ans: Making a positive impact in any field is not possible without a continuous journey. Any how being a science educator, mentor and communicator My suggestion to all those who aspire to make a difference in teaching, communicating science or anything else or those who want to make life purposeful and joyful, it's crucial to build a solid understanding of the fundamental principles of the field and subject, invest time in mastering the basics and try to master the subject/field with deep understanding involving activities. This strong foundation will serve as a platform for further learning and innovation which ultimately will lead to desired goals.

KNOW MORE ABOUT Dr. Ashaq Hussain

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