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Seraikis, one of the oldest nations in the world with their language and culture are inherent of Indus Valley Civilization. The ‘Rigvedas’ written on the banks of Indus, designate intellects of Seraikis. River Indus flows quietly through Seraiki lands enriching them with fertility and cash crops. Obviously Seraikis and the River Indus are made for each other. The remarkable fortune made Seraikis sane, trustworthy and humane. With vast area and big population they were essentially expected to lead multi-civilization subcontinent of Asia. But it is most unfortunate on the part of Seraikis that even in 21st century; they are facing worst kind of slavery in Pakistan.
Because of Indus valley Civilization, India was pronounced as ‘Golden Sparrow’ which attracted fortune seekers of the world to India and so British traders took full benefits of the product of Seraiki areas like indigo, the hottest selling item in the world market. They published Bible in local languages and the one in Seraiki language was on the top recognizing the civilization of the Indus.

However every advantage to the invaders was coupled with shortfall to Indus Valley Civilization. Another clear acknowledgment was from American President Bill Clinton’s short visit to Pakistan few years back. In his address to Pakistanis, he told that he had come to visit the inherent of great Indus Valley Civilization. Due to identified reasons the speech of President Clinton was not propagated or properly interpreted. Since the Great Game, a matter of life and death for USA lead to the creation of Pakistan. Punjabis played vital role for communal divide and became the darling, being part of British Army and were bestowed over the control of Pakistan by their British masters after departure.

Instantly they usurped Seraiki land and people as masters, legitimized by USA. With partition of India the miseries of Indus Valley Civilization were enhanced many fold. USA and UK had to single out the civilization falling in Pakistan due to their political motives. But successors Punjab + Army had their own program of hegemony, they were confident that Pakistan was at their disposal to fulfill the program, civilization or no civilization. The job is being done well and the connivance of super powers still prevails. Anti Punjabi sentiment was hatched in Seraikis due to centuries old divide between Indus Valley Civilization and usurper militants. Seraikis were unaware of the conspiracy of Americans and Punjabis, rather they were stuck to their ancient civilization. Continous anti-Seraiki steps like negation of their homeland ‘Seraikistan’ means eliminating Indus Valley Civilization. Struggle by inherent of Indus Valley Civilization is to get national rights for Seraikistan. They are not aware that by realization of their motherland, Asia will become a real multi-national region. And with revival of ancient heritage of Asia, the world will be realized as multi-civilization one, harmonious and peaceful.

Institutionalized vested interest has a study of the moves which may end their dirty games and fabricated non-issues in politics. Conspiracy and use of force is the traditional policy to deal oppressed nations in Pakistan. In 1971 international community had to come forward to bailout Bengalis from this policy. In this era (1971-2015) conflict ridden security tops the priority over all political/constitutional lecumas. Pakistan already is conditioned with warlike conflicts, so none but Army rules it from day one whether on front or behind. Re-demarcation of Punjab and agreed autonomy has been struck off from national agenda. 

Constitutionalists were suppressed with exemplary punishments in the end of first era (1947-1971). To overshadow the fundamental demands of the people, fabricated issues like national action plan are always in the pipe, necessitating Army’s role. The elections in the regional countries reflected the wishes of the masses, but here in 2013 elections the track record of engineering was enhanced with quizzical technology. Status quo forces were victorious along their Seraiki, Sindhi, Baloch and Pashtun electable. But a fear prevails about the regional trend for a change, so the ruling junta handed over the driving seat to Army chief for the first time. He holds the responsibility to safeguard the status quo, negation of Seraikistan coupled with revival of Indus Valley Civilization very openly. Innocent struggle by Seraikis for national rights seems to annoy the institution as it was in 1971. Without confronting Seraikis are on the front, but not killed and relieved like Bengalis. Rather conspired to be eliminated constitutionally including Seraikistan and their Indus Valley Civilization.

Bengalis who innocently voted to constitute Pakistan annoyed the institution and faced historic atrocities but they succeeded to separate Bangladesh saving their language and culture in the end. As such Seraikis have no differences with the institution, they have never been asked to take any political direction. They do have electable closely related with establishment and far away from the people despite living among them. The area is over flooded with land grabbers/settlers, but concerns are not seen on the surface. As a nation or even community Seraikis are not mentioned in so-called constitution of Pakistan. Not impressed by sponsored Islam and ideology of Pakistan, the inherent of Indus Valley Civilization are more attached with their motherland than even Bengalis. 

Seraiki National Party has initiated ‘Save Civilization Campaign’ on social media with the same motive as Bengalis in 1970. Population 48% dwelling in the centre, Seraikis are made unsecure and left no way than to consider them to be second class Punjabis. Away from politics and forget about language, culture and civilization. It is really hard to accept but seems to be a final round for the survival.


Abdul Majeed Kanjoo
Seraiki National Party
Email: amkanjoo@gmail.com
Cell: +92 300 967 9070

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