SRINAGAR: In view of upgradation of 33 KV Wanpoh SICOP Line from 100 Sq mm ACSR to 200 Sq mm ACSR, the power supply to Recieving Ststions including Shamsipora, SICOP, Zirpara, Veeri, Cheniwader, Shuhul Flour Mill and feeding areas including Veer, Srigufwara, Zirpara, Shamsipora and Bijbehara SICOP areas shall remain affected on February 03, 05 & 07 from 10:00Am to 4:00PM.
Similarly, in view of shifting of electrical utilities along the road, the power supply from 33 KV Badampora Wangipora Tap Line to receiving stations including Batwina, Wangipora, Nowgam and feeding areas including Batwina, Nowgam, Wangipora, Zazna, Ahan, Waskura, Kharbagh, Guzhama, Sumbal, Nesbal shall remain affected on February 01 from 10:00AM to 4:00PM. However, the shutdown is subjected to fair weather conditions.