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The BJP and PDP came out as two major political parties after they got popular mandate against each other in Jammu and Kashmir respectively as both have polarized the people of two regions and Hindus and Muslims and were being considered the parties with opposite ideologies. Nobody could have thought that two parties, the BJP which was being considered as evil for their Hindutva politics and their attitude on Article 370 and labeled as anti-Muslim and Anti-Kashmir and PDP which was talking of double currency in J&K was subjected to extreme criticism by BJP and labeled as anti-Hindu and anti-Jammu party, will one day come to share a platform for Coalition Government in J&K.

As no party got clear majority to form a government so different parties approached PDP and offered support to form a Secular Party Government in J&K in order to keep the BJP (non-Secular party) out of government. PDP clearly rejected the support from NC-15 terming them as villains for J&K and proceeded many talks with BJP High-Common and described this coalition as stable and good government for J&K’s development. During different level of talks between the two it was decided to form a common agenda or common ‘minimum programme’ that will suit both the regions as their pre-election manifesto and policy was different in order to get the vote bank. More than two months passed in holding the talks between PDP, BJP & RSS while dealing with some key, unfluctuating and contentious matters and to decide the future of J&K in Delhi and Nagpur. Ultimately all the proposals and agendas were settled and Mufti was opted to be a CM for full six years.

The PDP who at once was blathering and chattering of not only sideling BJP but keeping it far away from J&K now became the hinge and pivotal figure in making  RSS as the key and kingpin of deciding the fate of Kashmir who (people of Kashmir) always voted against BJP.  This coalition subjected PDP to severe criticism and in its defense and fortification PDP came with different elucidations as this Government would be the only stable government for development and prosperity of J&K and could generate more and more funds and some best packages for flood hit Kashmir. Can BJP-PDP coalition really get more funds from union Government, could only that government would be stable whose one coalition partner is BJP? Then how Delhi’s AAP government would fulfill all such demands for which they got such a popular mandate from Delhi? As we saw on Wednesday Arvind Kejriwal”s AAP government is moving to fulfill his poll promises after cutting the power tariffs by 50% up to 400 units tariffs on water will be charged only after consuming more than 2000litre and this way he really challenged that regional party government or Non-BJP government could fulfill the promises and needs of their citizens.

Ultimately, Mufti has got what he cherished for a very long time-the six years tenure in CM’S office, he would be in office but power will be exercised by somebody else and not from Kashmir rather from Delhi and Nagpur and he will be a bubble in few hands. And it would not be a government that the people had voted for rather will be the evil installation of Delhi, and will be like all other evils setup by Delhi government in Kashmir. He could not be able to stop BJP to give WPRs as citizenship status in J&K and could do nothing to save and preserve the topography of J&K and couldn’t be the one who can challenge the communal politics of BJP which PDP is also doing here in Kashmir province by polarizing Muslim community against Jammu province.



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