JAMMU: Dr. Narinder Singh, National Secretary, BJP & MLA, RS Pura-Jammu South held a public darbar at BJP headquarters, Trikuta Nagar, Jammu. Dozens of deputations from various parts of Jammu approached the party headquarters to share their issues with the senior leader and requested for their quick disposal.

Most of the issues presented were related to the repair and upgradation of lanes, drains, and roads. Many deputations presented the issues of streetlights and some pressed for their revenue department related issues. Few presented the issues related to the police department and other issues were related to the electricity supply and drinking water supply.

Dr. Narinder Singh, while listening to the grievances of the people, said that the BJP serves the people with an unmatched dedication. He said that the party leaders are available for the people 365 days in a year. The party works with the motto of Antyodaya, which means the welfare of the people, who were marginalized and neglected earlier. He also said that as an MLA, he is available to the people in all their genuine needs and issues, and it will be his priority to provide the people with the solutions to their issues in a time bound manner.

While speaking on the public darbar, he shared that many issues presented by the people were sorted out on the spot and oral and written communications were made with the concerned departments for the rest issues.

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