JAMMU: Stressing that the Chief Minister of Jammu & Kashmir belongs to the whole of Union Territory and not only a single region, said Arun Gupta and asked the CM Omar Abdullah to fairly represent J&K. Arun Gupta, Spokesperson, J&K BJP, accompanied by the Spokespersons, Dr. Tahir Chowdhary and Balbir Ram Rattan and Media Secretary Dr. Pardeep Mahotra was addressing a Press Conference at BJP headquarters, Trikuta Nagar, Nagar, Jammu.

Arun Gupta, while addressing the media persons said that the NC has come in Governance after a gap of 10 years. He accused them that the mindset of NC is still the same as of ‘pre-2014 era’ only discussing and talking about one region. He said that much has changed in these 10 years and its high time that the NC leaders also change their mindsets. He shared the instances regarding the J&K governance Model stating that they should now adopt from KAS to JKAS, KPS to JKPS and expressed anguish that still their addresses carry on with the same name of KAS/KPs.

Arun Gupta said that the NC government is representing the whole of J&K UT and asked them that while addressing their focus should be on the whole UT, ensuring even the audience is addressed wholesomely and not alone one region. “The Office of Chief Minister is a public constitutional institution and cannot distinguish between regions and districts. CM Omar Abdullah ji had to be totally unbiased, and if the biases continue, then the major development works done by the Modi government during the last 10 years involving extremely hard work will go waste,” said Arun Gupta.

Arun Gupta stressed that the Jammu region is full of serene landscapes like Patnitop, Dudu, Poonch, Bhaderwah, Kishtwar and Pancheri. Jammu region has a much better working days ratio and infrastructure for sports should encourage National events, said Arun Gupta while citing the example of Golf Course mentioned by the Chief Minister. Arun Gupta also spoke on the focus of Modi government to develop the whole of Jammu & Kashmir as the Educational Hub not distinguishing between the regions and asked the CM to not to ignore the IIT/IIM and other institutions in Jammu region.

Arun Gupta also spoke of the Dogra cuisines; Dogra attire and Dogra arts citing examples of Basohli Art Paintings and asked the Ministers from the Jammu region to represent the cause of Jammu as well. Dr. Tahir Chowdhary said that the CM has only represented Kashmir in Mumbai recently, omitting Jammu all-together from his address. He said that whereas he only mentioned the tourism, culture, art, and investments in the Kashmir region, he forgot to represent the Jammu region totally as the first Chief Minister of Jammu & Kashmir.

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