SRINAGAR: In a significant breakthrough in the ongoing fight against the drug menace, Police in Kupwara apprehended a notorious drug peddler who had been evading arrest for the past 14 months. The accused, Jameel Khan son of Gh Qadir Khan resident of Dever Lolab, was wanted in connection with case FIR No. 90/2023 registered under Section 8/20 NDPS Act at Police Station Lalpora. The FIR was lodged on 14/11/2023, and since then, the accused had been on the run to avoid legal action.

After sustained efforts and credible intelligence inputs, a police team from PS Lalpora launched a planned operation, leading to his arrest. His arrest marks a step in curbing drug-related activities in the region and J&K Police’s commitment to ensuring a drug-free society. J&K Police urges the public to actively support the fight against drugs by sharing any information regarding drug-related activities. Citizens can report anonymously and strict action will be taken against those involved in drug peddling and trafficking.

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